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My chapter got deleted so I have to update it again sorry

I stared at the childish boys in front of my playing in the water. I leaned against a tree as Gordie made his way across the water. "Where do you think you're going lechance?" Gordie kept trying to get away before they jumped on him.

"Sleeper hold sleeper hold no one gets out of the sleeper hold." Vern grinned. "Hey Vern there's something on your neck." Gordie warned. "I'm not falling for that on lechance." Vern laughed. "No Vern there really is something on your neck." Chris said. "Its a leach...LEACHES." Teddy yelled alarmed. "This is why I walked on the tree." I snorted. And turned around as they started getting undressed and checking each other for leaches. I couldn't help but laugh to myself.

"How did I get stuck with you people..." I whispered to myself. Over there screams. Gordie had fainted. I wasn't turning around. I couldn't hold back my laughter.

Time skiiiips

We walked farther on. I couldn't help but think to myself. I know a little bit about each of there back story's and they know nothing of mine. I sighed hoping no one would notice it.

"Is this it?" Chris asked. I didn't hear the answer but everyone looks for him...for Ray. "I found him!" Vern yelled. It seemed to go in slow motion. Running down and seeing his feet. The train had knocked his keds off. Chris grabbed a stuck and moved the branch off his face. I couldn't take it. My eyes watered and I ran away. Through the bushes and to a rock that I sat down on.

I sat there crying until I heard a branch snap. Someone followed me. I looked up and Teddy was standing there. "What?" I asked. He moved closer and sat next to me. "Why are you crying?" He answered with a question. "You guys don't know anything about me..." I mumbled. "Then tell me about you." Teddy said. I could see that he wanted to know. That he would listen.

"I'm not who you think I am." I whispered. "Then who are you?" "I'm Kylie Brower. Ray Brower's older sister. A year older. I just wanted to find my little brother..." I whispered. My eyes started to water again and I felt tears rush down my cheeks. That's when Teddy hugged me. I just cried into his shoulder. My brother was dead. My little brother was dead.

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