Story For Steven! jk just Story

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Kylie POV

I walked back and heard them talking about Gordie telling a story. "What's this about a story?" I asked sitting in between Vern and Teddy. "You weren't gone long." Teddy said sitting up. "Well I heard that Gordie was gonna tell us a story. How could I miss that." Teddy laughed a little and Gordie started the story.

(I don't wanna put in the whole story so...TIME SKIPS!!!)

"What the audience didnt know was that lardass wasn't interested in winning. He wanted revenge.

Teddy Vern and Chris stared in awe as Gordie told the story. "Beautiful!" "Bravo! Bravo!" "Amazing!" "Then what happened?" Teddy asked. "What do you mean?" "I mean what happened?" "What dobyou mean what happened its the end." Teddy got a little upset at that. "His can that be the end that's a terrible ending what happened to lardass?" "I dunno maybe he went home a celebrated with a couple of cheese burgers." I shivered. "After everyone threw up so much? Eww." I mumbled. Chris smirked again. "Are you squeamish?" He laughed. "Yes. Shut up and if you start singing I will rip out your throat and eat it." I muttered.

"How do you think it should end Teddy?" He thought for a minute and spoke. "I think lardass should go home. Shoot his dad run away and join the Texas rangers." "I was thinking the same exact thing!" I luaghed sarcastically.

"I liked the ending the barfing ending was really good." Vern said. "But there's one thing I didn't understand...did lardass have to pay to get into the contest?" Gordie sighed. "No vern they just let him in."

"Great story, I just didn't like the ending." Teddy mumbled. "I didn't either." I whispered to him so no one else heard.

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