Take No Prisoners

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Kylie POV

I stood behind a tree as I watched the sun rise. I had almost made it. I was so close. I heard a branch brake behind me. I spun around to see a deer and Gordie. I smiled a little, I don't know why. As I was walking back I expected Gordie to tell everyone about the deer. But he didn't.

"Hey Kylie!" Chris called as we started walking. "Yeah Chambers?" I asked, pulling my hair behind my ear. "I promised to tell you what was wrong..." He trailed off. "If you don't want to you don't have to. I just wanted to cheer you up." I mumbled the last bit so he couldn't quite make it out. "It was nothing. Really. But thanks for the consern." He muttered and started to walk. "Well if you ever wanna talk."

"Geez Gordie why couldn't you have gotten more breakfasty foods, like twinkies and pez and root beer." Verno complained. "Sorry Vern, I guess more experienced shoppers could have gotten more from your seven cents." Gordie said. "Are you sure you don't want to eat?" Teddy asked holding out the chocolate bar I refused to eat. "Yeah." I mumbled. "I'd rather starve them eat that."

We came across a field next to the track and stopped. "The Royal." Chris announced. "The tracks go way out." Teddy mumbled. "If we cut across the field right here we'll be there in an hour." Chris explained. "I think we should stick to the tracks." Vern inturupted. "I say we go across the field." Teddy voted. "Gordie?" Chris wondered. "Yeah." He nodded. "Let's go." Chris ordered as they allran into the field. All except Vern and I.

"Take no prisoners!!" Teddy yelled running out. "C'mon Vern don't be such a pussy. Live a little." And with that I ran into the field after them.

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