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"What are you gonna do? Shoot us all?" Ace asked. "No Ace just you." Gordie said. "We're gonna get you for this." He announced before they all retreated.

"Nice!" Teddy smiled before hugging me again. It felt really awkward this time though. Like I was supposed to do something.

We walked home. I wanted to say so many things but. No one spoke. We just walked in silence. We had decided to make an anonymous phone call. They found him a few days later. I went from the girl who should have been there to the girl who was to late. But little by little things changed.

We walked into town. It felt different this time. Smaller. We each walked away. One at a time. First Vern, then Teddy. "Thanks. For finding him." I mumbled Gordie nodded. "Of course." Then I walked away.

The summer pulled by and soon they were some faces a waved at when I passed by. Then I was leaving the school. And he came up. "Kylie!" He called as I walked down the street. "Oh...hey." I mumbled. "I know we haven't spoken in a while but I really want to stay in touch." I nodded. "Of course." I smiled. We passed numbers and I walked away. Teddy Duchamp wanted to stay in touch with me. The invisible girl. Kylie Brower.

I wonder now what would have happened if I stayed in touch with all of them. I wonder if I could have changed anything.

I wonder if Chris would still be alive.

I guess we'll never know.

At least I saved him.

At least I saved Teddy.

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