Chapter 2

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Surprisingly, the makeover hadn't actually been that bad. Biana had forced Sophie to wear a sparkly, fitted red tunic and brushed makeup over her face, but other than that, she left her friend alone.

Tam and Linh arrived together with Marella, Dex, and Keefe all coming a few minutes later. Fitz came down from his room, holding a scroll identical to the ones the twins carried.

Biana was positively jumping with excitement. She led the seven others to the living room, a massive area about the size of Sophie's human parents' house, dotted with plush couches and with a silver chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Sophie caught Fitz's eye and glanced at the chandelier. He rolled his eyes.

The elves made themselves comfortable on the couches, Sophie sitting next to Biana on one, Fitz sharing one with Dex and Keefe, and Tam and Linh sitting with Marella. Biana held up her own scroll, saying, "Everyone open them now!"

The brunette immediately tore open her own, reading from the bottom up. Sophie read over her shoulder, making note of any names they knew. 

"Dex is your number eleven," Sophie pointed out, glancing across the room to see if he was paying attention. He was busy reading Fitz's scroll, a dejected expression on his face.

"Yeah," Biana answered. "And Keefe is my number eighty-thr--oh wait, Tam's my number four!" She snuck a glance at the Shade, who was reading his own scroll, his bangs falling into his face.

Clearly not caring enough to comment on anyone else on her list, Biana instructed the others to tell each other who was on their lists.

Linh started listing names, most of which Sophie didn't recognize but assumed were boys at Foxfire. Her number seven was Fitz.

As she spoke, Sophie's gaze turned to Keefe. His ice blue eyes were focused on the floor, not looking at anyone. Are you okay? she transmitted.

Keefe looked up. He smiled, but Sophie could tell he didn't mean it. I'm fine, Foster, he thought.

Why didn't--why didn't you want to get a Matchmaking list?

No reason specifically. I just wanted to see--I mean, I don't think I'll find anyone on my list. 

Before Sophie had a chance to ponder what he meant, Marella chimed in, "If you two want to talk, you might as well do it out loud." Sophie glanced around at the room, blushing. Why was she blushing??

Keefe smirked. "You know, just Foster talking about how much she can't live without me."

Sophie rolled her eyes.

Tam cleared his throat. "I guess I'll read mine now." His silver-blue eyes jumped up and down the page. Linh peeked over his shoulder at the list.

"I don't even know most of these people," Tam stated. "My number ninety is Stina Heks, I don't even--whatever. My number, uh, twenty-nine is Marella. Oh, Biana, you're my number two!" A small smile flickered across his face. Biana smiled back.

After Fitz read his (Marella and Linh both in his top ten), the former asked, "What should we do now?"

Knowing she was going to regret saying this, Sophie blurted out, "Why don't we play Truth or Dare?"

Keefe started, "Last time we did--" but Biana cut him off.

"This time will be different," she insisted. "Anyways, I'll go first. Marella, truth or dare?"

The other girl thought it over, finally deciding on the safer option. "Truth."

Biana had her question ready. "If you could kiss anyone in this room, who would it be?"

Marella blushed. "Actually, I pick dare."

"Kiss that person, then," Biana countered.

"On the lips?"

"No," Biana allowed. "On the cheek is fine."

Marella sighed, then leaned over and kissed Linh on her cheek. Biana gaped at her before quickly regaining her composure.

"Aww, you guys are so cute!" she exclaimed. Tam looked like he was about to murder Marella, but Linh had a small smile on her face.

As if nothing had even happened, Marella asked, "I ask someone now, right?" Sophie nodded in confirmation. "Tam, truth or dare?"

"Truth, obviously."

"Who do you think is the best looking elf here?" Tam thought for a minute and strategically answered, "Linh."

"Smart, Bangs Boy," Keefe told him.

"Truth or dare, Keefe?" Tam asked the elf.

"Dare!" Keefe answered immediately. "Who do you think I am?"

"I dare you to... kiss Sophie."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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