1: Lost Endeavour

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Aoife shouldn't be out here in a foreign land she has no clue of. A place she's never been. Especially when she's never traveled anywhere beyond her own. Reading an old Atlas doesn't cut it. What was she ever thinking?

It's for him, her conscience reminded. The love of her life is marrying .... Well is now married to someone else. Which is why she's here; out of his way for good. He doesn't love her anymore, so her being gone would at least be easier for him.
What will he think and do when learning of her absence? Will he search for her? Or will he continue on with his life as normal?
The second option is a definite, Aoife figured. Then there are the others. Most likely they will too.

If only Mum and Dad weren't taken by the war, Aoife wouldn't even be here. They would've venture the world together. Probably even lived somewhere for a year or two. Sadly, that can't happen when you're on your own.

For days on end, she traveled with little to no food and water. To find something at least. A runaway muggle would have a higher chance, but not a witch. If Harry, Ron and Hermione survived months out in the open, then maybe she can as well. On one positive side, at least. The portkey, an undetected one mind you landed her in the middle of isolation where no one would see her cry at times.

Surprised no tears run out dry by this point.

Aofie slowly began to lose consciousness bit by bit. Now hardly any left, that she dropped to the ground when taking another step. Wondering what death must feel like. While the earth began to darken, her eyes gave in. When a sight of an apparition laid by her side; pale as death himself and their hair lost its spark.

The apparition stroked her blonde hair. Then tucked a lock of it behind the ear, touching her sleeping eyes and held her hand. Only for the spirit-like being completely gone in a matter of seconds. As if it was never present to begin with. Aoife may have felt a touch. But you can't feel anything from them, right? As they can't do such a thing.

Soon enough no trace of light remained in the heavens and it started to grow colder by the second. Or so that's what she think when the sound of thunder made its appearance. Indicating a possible promise of rain. Aoife now too weak and tired to cast a protection spell.
Not even realizing the sky poured out.

If this is what being on the verge of death feels like ......

Not knowing how much time passed when made out a figure loomed over her. They kneeled down and carried her off. At this point, Aoife had no choice, but to rely on the stranger and where they're taking her, as she no longer has any strength left in her sleep-like state.

"Witch," the stranger's voice whispered. As if in confirmation.

Thoughts circled her mind, but one main thing stayed. Him. Again, she had to leave. It was all for him, so she's no longer an "obstacle" in his way. So he and his now wife can officially be happy. With her no longer in the picture.

It's for his best, Aoife reminded herself. His happiness.

Especially when he made his feelings abundantly clear to Aofie.


Fourth year rolled around the corner. Mum and Dad were oddly secretive about something lately. And no, it had nothing to with the Quidditch World Cup mishap. Bastards! Off all the monstrosities the Death Eaters can do. No matter, Aoife was determined to get at least a word out from her parents.

The big factor that gave away was when Mum insisted on going dress shopping.

"Mum, really. What's going on?" she would ask.

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