3: A New Change

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Mum and Dad wouldn't want her to come where they are. At least not yet. Aoife felt as though, she's in a state between half reality and half a dream. But which one is which when you're in a place of total oblivion and void?

No! Aoife scolded herself. Must get up!
Then to her relief, she saw her parents. Walking off in the distance. Aoife ran after them. Calling out for them. It was futile, but she kept trying. Begging them to wait for her. Until her legs gave up and Aoife plopped to the ground. Her hand reaching out for them as they faded away completely

That's when she shot up awake, and into a new surrounding. Aoife inhaled and exhaled rather hard. She's alive and back on earth. Aoife observed the place. A Victorian style bedroom adorned with dark oak furniture and flower paintings mounted on the faded pastel blue walls. From the tiny hint of ray entering from the window, it must be dawn. Where is she exactly?

Aoife jumped at the opening of the door. Only to see an older woman, slightly plump built entering in.
"Oh, goodness! You're up," she exclaimed. "Stay right where you are. I'll go fetch the others."

Not a moment too soon, the three people from before came in. They must be if remembered correctly, Isaac, Magaly and Hazel.

"Thank heavens you're alive," said a tanned woman with dark brown hair that was pulled back into a sleek bun. "When Isaac brought you in, you were pale as the dead."

Isaac, a young man, whose stature made him appear taller than he was made an uneasy face. As running a finger through his ash blond hair.
"That's enough, Hazel," he said and took an empty chair and placed it by the bed and took a seat. "Can you tell us who you are?"

Aoife opened her mouth to speak. However, halted herself. Not wanting to give away any sensitive information.

"You don't have to worry," assured the second woman, Magaly with an olive complexion and black hair pulled into a side plait. "We too come from a line of wizard-kind."

Aoife sighed in relief and finally spoke. At least she doesn't have to keep one thing hidden from them. "Let's just say I have traveled a long way to start afresh a new life."

Isaac narrowed his blue eyes. "Are you British?"

"You - you can say that," Aoife replied hesitantly.

Of course her figure of speech would sound foreign to these people. As she is now in a new country. Hell, a totally different continent so to speak.

"Hmmh, wait until you meet Andrew," Hazel smiled. "He is too. Though the Cockney accent not so much prominent anymore."

"Be that as in may," Magaly continued. "You can tell us your name, so we can address you properly."

Aoife thought. Should she give her real name? Thinking of the outcome of everyone back home. No! Why should she care now? But still, in order to avoid discovery.
I'm sorry, Daddy, she silently said to him.

"My name's Aoife, Aoife Branson," hoping it came out as confidently as she could've mustered. Deciding to keep her first name.

Going forward, she is no longer a Braithwaite, but a Branson.


Word traveled through the corners of Hogwarts about the upcoming Triwizard Tournament taking place. Only students at least seventeen years of age can enter. Many of the younger students weren't happy about this arrangement, while the older students who were of age seemed they couldn't care less. Though the ones who did care were coming up ways to enter. Ways to get past the age line.

Fred and George especially are eager to enter, since there is a prize money involved. Which would help them with their inventions and products. The two were still young, but of course that won't stop them from coming up ways to enter the tournament.
Then in other news, there was a new DADA teacher. Aoife was sure going to miss Professor Lupin, but she was curious to see how good of a teacher a former auror is going to be.

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