10: Opening Up a Little

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Isaac didn't speak a word about the run-in with Nate on the way back to the cottage. The blond wizard barged straight to his room, slamming the door. Andrew didn't answer when his sisters asked about why is he so angry. Only a brief watered down summary of running into him. Nothing else. Aoife followed the same when also asked. She also didn't ask either of the two men about that guy.

For it could be too personal. It can be deducted that something must've happened between the two causing them not parting on good terms.

"I'll go check up on him." Dianne walked up stairs. If anything, while Isaac won't let his sisters nor Andrew in, but he definitely will let the family caretaker in.

The others now left alone in silence. Not one saying anything. Except for a few uneasy glances here and there.

"So how did the interview go, Aoife?" Hazel asked finally, changing the subject. Thankfully in addition to break the awkwardness.

"It went well," Aoife replied. "Mrs. Bradbury wants to give me a trial, however."

"That's good!" Magaly stated. "I'm sure you'll do wonderful."

Aoife can only hope. As muggles would say, a first "adult" job. Not to mention in foreign country she's still learning to adjust. This is her new life now. Though she hasn't even been here long. Not even close. But still. Better get used to it, the many times she's been herself.

"Don't you think, Andy?" Magaly continued.

Andrew adverted away to another direction, but at same time engaged back with them. "Mrs. Bradbury did seem to like her." This must be his first time Aoife thought to even be speaking a mention of her.

"That's great," Hazel went over to hold Aoife's hands, while her trying not to tense up as she smiled back. "We should celebrate."

Aoife shook her head. "No, it's fine really. I think I'll have a nap."

In all honesty, she was feeling a little tired. Not that that it had anything do with waking up early, which is what she's been doing every morning, More or so emotionally tired that she felt like she needed a breather.

"You deserve it," Hazel said. "We'll call when lunch is ready."

Aoife nodded and carried herself upstairs. Just as Dianne exited out of Isaac's room. "Oh, Aoife, dear," she exclaimed. "Isaac's asked for you."

"M-mme?" the young witch stammered  taken aback.

"That's right," the older witch confirmed. "He just wants to talk to you about something."

"Oh, umm sure," Aoife replied hesitantly. Wondering what Isaac may want to tell her. Dianne walked off as she entered his room, closing the door from behind.

Isaac stared out the window of the pouring rain that has now turned to a torrential downpour. Just like the night he found her knocked out moments before. She could've been dead by sunrise, if it weren't for him.

"Isaac?" Aoife called softly.

The blond wizard turned around. "Aoife!" an animated like smile formed on his face. "Just the witch I wanted to see. Come, come. Don't be shy."

Aoife joined him by the window.

Isaac exhaled as he continued. "I wanted to apologize for my outburst back there and then leaving you drenched in the rain."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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