6: Distantly So

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Harry's been receiving the short end of the stick ever since the whole Goblet of Fire incident took place. Students left and right either mock him which no surprise are handful of the Slytherins and a cluster of the Hufflepuffs, or stare him down as if he had anything to do with this. Worst of all, his best friend, Ron completely cut him off. Except for Hermione who is trying to ease the animosity between the two with no success.

Aoife spotted him by the lake one day which potting flowers for the garden. Alone and without Hermione. "Harry!" she waved on over to the boy.

Wish there was one thing she can do to make at feel a tiny bit better. Maybe there is one thing she can do.

"Aoife," he replied as he approached.

"You're not with Hermione?" she stood up.

Harry exhaled heavily. "Just between you and me, I'm kind of getting bored of the constant library trips. Not much jokes, laughter or even Quidditch when hanging with her." Realizing what was just uttered, he quickly added. "Don't tell her I said that. I know she's trying to help."

Harry misses his best friend. However, Ron being stubborn as a mule, letting his emotions get the best of him refuses to even have a sit-down conversation. "Don't worry," said Aoife. "It's in the vault."

Harry sighed in relief this time. "Thanks, Aoife. Means a lot."
When he noticed the dirt smeared all over her hands. "So what were you doing anyway."

Aoife eyed her soil filled hands. "Just gardening. Want to help? It may help take your mind off of things."

Harry shrugged. "Why not?"

"Great!" Aoife beamed as they crouched down at the ground level garden. "It may not be as exhilarating as Quidditch, but -"

"No, it's fine," Harry assured while getting started on one of the baby plants.

Aoife smiled at little. "Whenever I feel down, my dad would tell me terrible jokes to make me in better spirits."

"How terrible?" a curious Harry asked.

The smile Aoife adorned now turned to a grin. "Why did the chicken held a seance? To get to the other side."

Harry snickered. "Okay, that is terrible."

"Hmm," Aoife shrugged. "Feel better at least?"

Harry slumped his shoulders back. Possibly thinking of what to say. "A little, I guess."

Now it seemed like it was Aoife's turn to think of what to say next. More importantly, how to say it. "I can talk to him for you."

"No, don't," Harry protested. "If even Hermione can't get it into his head, then nobody else can."

Aoife sighed at the mere sentence. If that's the case then Ron might as well have to figure it out on his own. How long will that take him? Only Merlin knows the answer.


Despite Harry's protest, Aoife went over to speak with Ron. Hermione is at her wits end over the animosity between the two. Her attempts haven't worked at the slightest. If anything, it made the matter even worse. Quite honestly, she's done completely with the whole ordeal. The First Task right around the corner, this is the last thing the tight knit trio needs.

She was able to spot Ron in the open corridors, sitting on one of the benches. Ginny was with him. Thankfully.

"Hey, Ron?" Aoife began. "Mind if I have a word?"

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