9: Winter's Dance

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He said, yes. He actually said, yes! Aoife was practically on cloud nine since. Hell, more like cloud twenty. Whenever the coast was clear of anyone to neither watch nor listen, the Ravenclaw witch who was so often in her own little world would practice a little waltz or better yet sing a song. It's the very song Dad taught her. Aunt Lavinia used to love the song.
And she's right. There's something about the song.

The burst of excitement, the witch used one of the school's owl to deliver a letter she's written to her parents. Well, mostly to Mum. Letting know she's going to the Yule Ball with him. Still felt like a dream in process on whether or not it's actually true.

When the tawny owl was no longer in sight, Aoife carried on the singing as if in her own world, the softness of her voice carried:

"Mother of the summer fields, goddess of the silver moon. Join with us as power builds, dance with us our witch's rune."

No audience of her own, which she actually preferred it to be. It's different when you're with a group. A solo act on the other hand, all eyes are on you instead of each performer at the same time.

"Father of the summer dew, hunter of the winter snows. With open arms we welcome you, dance with us as power grows. Dance with us our witch's rune."

Repeating those words in continuation, but when she neared ground level, the words slowly blended into a hum. Aoife carried it so casually that she herself wouldn't notice. Soon even the humming came to a halt as she reached ground level and there were people out in the open corridors. Words filled the hallway with talk of the Yule Ball. Girls chatting on what they're going to wear, who they're going with. Safe to say everyone was excited.

Almost the entire student body had dates. Almost. When a certain somebody approached her. A boy from Gryffindor.

"Hey," he greeted all overly pompous in the face.

Aoife frowned knowing where this is about to head. "Hi."

"You got a date? 'Cause I know a bloke who happens to be available," he stated in trace of arrogance. Positively thinking she'd say, yes.

"I'm sorry, but I already have date," said Aoife politely. "But thanks for the offer."

The boy cracked in response. "Don't say that. Except a yes, and I'm all yours."

Aoife took a step back. "As I said, I'm already going with someone."

The Gryffindor didn't seem to buy it. Probably due to his ego. "Come on, Ravenclaw. It's one simple word," he stated. "Y-E-"

"What part of no, do you not understand, McLaggen?" a scowling George suddenly barged in and got right behind Aoife. "She has a date, whether you like it or not. So, leave her alone!"

McLaggen, as his name suggests appeared unfazed by the tone remark instead sneered. "And you're the supposed date?"

"Fortunately, yes," George mirrored the same apathetic feature as the other boy. "Now kindly leave her alone!"

He then took Aoife's wrist and dragged her away. Leaving the fellow Gryffindor at their dust. She's never seen him annoyed or agitated, but guess even McLaggen can make even the most easygoing of people that way. An unfortunate talent he has come to possess. Good thing though no further persuasion on his end.

"He wasn't bothering you all too much, was he?" George asked once they were out from the clear and both able to relax.

Aoife shook her head in reassurance. "I'm just glad you came in on time. I don't know what I would've done had you not come. He's such a skeeze."

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