4: Feeling Flushed

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The entirety of Hogwarts was decorated head to toe due for the expected visitors coming today. Dumbledore did state they will be from two wizarding schools. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. Anything to impress the guests when you're the host.
With that given moment, students swarmed outside the corridors to see a huge carriage in the air carried by pegasus. Aoife included was amazed by the sight.

Ginny joined her side. "Looks like they're finally here."

"Yes, I guess they are," Aoife nodded.

People were getting out of the carriage as Dumbledore approached a woman. And with the woman stepped out a tall girl who plastered on a haughty expression. The girl observed Hogwarts as Dumbledore seemed to commented on something to which she laughed.

"No one's making you stay," said Hermione bitterly.

"Me-ow, Hermione," Ginny teased. "What did she even do?"

The others around snickered. Except for Hermione who just creased her eyebrows.

Ron interjected. "She likes to have personal bone to pick with people at any given chance. Isn't that so, Hermione?"
He then nudges her. In response she sighed and shook her head.

"Look, a ship!" exclaimed suddenly Lee Jordan.

Everyone reverted their attention back out to see a ship submerged out from the waters. Good thing Aoife had one of the better view to catch such a sight. While other students shoved one another to at least get a decent sight.

"Not something you see everyday," crept in a voice, pointing at the ship. Trying to scoot forward for a closer observation.
The person almost toppling over that they grabbed her arm for support. That person ended up being George Weasley once again.

"Oh, sorry!" he apologized. "Seems like we keep having this little run ins,"

"Seems so," Aoife said shyly.

George eyed on the SPEW badge pinned on Aoife's robes. "And looks like Hermione forced you on her little organization as well, huh?"

Aoife pursed her lips together. "I wouldn't say force ..."

"I can help turn that into a Weasleys' Wizards Wheezes badge if you want," he offered.

Before Aoife can utter a reply, her eyes shifted to his hand still holding onto her arm. Her cheeks flushed a twinge of pink. By the sight of it, George also took notice. His mouth hung open, but no audible words came out.

Except for maybe a soundless, 'oh'!

"S-s-sorry," his face also a flush of red as he let go of her arm.

"It's okay," she reassured and rubbing her arm in a discreet manner.
Not that it hurt or anything, which it didn't.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Anyway, about the badge -"

"Oi, Georgie," hollered a voice that belonged to Fred. "What did I say about flirting with the customers?"

George scoffed, shifting his attention to his twin. "I was not! I was only ..."

The rest of his sentence became muffled when Aoife slowly moved away without getting noticed again in the same discreet manner. While rubbing that arm with her other hand.

"Oh my God, it's Viktor Krum!" someone shouted.

Aoife was able to see him. Viktor Krum right here at Hogwarts.

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