7: It's Some Progress Made

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It was bound to happen any day now when Mrs. Bradbury decided to set up an interview day for Aoife. That day just happened to be today. If there was any nerve wracking feeling to the pit of her stomach, it'd be this. Good thing Hazel and Magaly helped getting ready. Not having anything that would be considered professional attire for an interview, Aoife decided to make do with whatever she had.

"This will do," she sighed to herself as observing her outfit. Black flared leggings and a long ivory satin tunic with a tied ribbon in front, paired up with a navy button down sweater. Her blonde hair still down, not knowing what to do with it. Yet.

"Let me help you with your hair," Magaly volunteered.

Aoife snapped out from her trance. "Oh um, thank you."

Magaly began brushing her hair. "Your hair is so long and so pretty. Don't you ever cut it?"

The infamous question for anyone with long hair would ever get. So many times to count. Trying to hide any trace of annoyance of the question, Aoife replied, "Only a little." And by little, she meant by a couple of centimeters or four. Her answer alone earned snicker from Isaac, who stood by the door frame.

"Need any help, Isaac?" Hazel said to him.

"I got nothing else or better to do," Isaac shrugged.

Hazel rolled her eyes, but decided to not engage further with her brother like Magaly is and shifted her attention back to Aoife. Wrapping her hair to an elegant bun.

"I found this hair pin in your jewelry box," Hazel showed Aoife.

A hair pin embellished with flowers and stones in multiple colors. He gave this to her that one Christmas during her 5th and his 7th year. Aoife wore it all the time. Then it slowly came to a halt which felt like a lifetime since.

"Is anything the matter?" Hazel asked.

Aoife shook thoughts of him away. "No," adding a smile in hopes of any deep hidden emotions doesn't show.

Hazel placed the hairpin into Aoife's hair. The only strands of hair remained were her fringe that framed her face like curtains.

"We should probably place some bobby pins on your bangs to get out of the way," Magaly suggested.

"Bangs?" Aoife asked confused.

"She means fringe," said another voice with a faded Cockney lilt.

The three witches turned to see Andrew right beside Isaac. That's the most he's spoken to her so far since their first meeting. Aoife faced back to the mirror without a returned exchange as Hazel placed the bobby pins on her bangs as they call it here.

"Andrew! Nice of you to join us," Magaly beamed as Isaac patted his shoulder. Andrew swatted Isaacs's hand away.

"There we go," said Hazel.

Aoife took another observation of herself in the mirror. Thinking she appeared too stuffy for her liking. "Do you think it looks a little mumsy?"

"No," the two sisters replied in unison.

"Not at all," Magaly then added.

Isaac laughed to himself. A possible indication he has a differing opinion from his sisters. Andrew gave him a wary stare.

"If you have something to say, just say it, Iz," Hazel told her brother.

"No, I have nothing to say," Isaac faked a yawn. Then he adverted his attention to Andrew. "Andy, why don't you take Aoife to the Sanctuary?"

Andrew without the others noticing except for Aoife went stiff as a board; eyes widened and jaws clenched.

"That's a great idea," Hazel followed. "Maybe you can use this as a chance to properly get to know each other."

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