8: Twisted Steps to Take

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Mrs. Bradbury unlike any run of the mill interviewer didn't have a notebook in hand for jotting down notes. If interviews do go as the one taking course right now. Has anyone else signed up or is she the only one? Aoife tried her best to cover up any signals showcasing apprehension that may appear.

"All right, Miss Branson," Mrs. Bradbury began. "I see you have volunteered in Flourish & Blotts for the summer and worked in a joke shop too?"

"That's correct, ma'am," Aoife confirmed. Both were true. Mum and Dad had her volunteer for the entire summer before 6th year. Then there's Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, which she decided to help George with. Alongside the assistance of Ron, while he was training to be an Auror. Ron is the one who gave the good reference, and Aoife's forever grateful of it.

"Your references are also positively received," Mrs. Bradbury skimmed through her resumé. "Do you have any experiences working with children?"

"Most of the customers I've handled were young children," Aoife stated. "Both shops, yes. The joke shop especially, since most of the patrons are children, or Hogwarts students if you must."

"I see," Mrs. Bradbury said. "And I assume when you were dealing with children, you also had to deal with the parents. Tell me, has there ever been a tight situation you had to face."

Aoife thought carefully for this question. This could take some moment to process the right words. "To a certain extent, yes. When a particular book is out of stock or complaints from parents over the merchandise their child has bought."

"And is there any reason you decided to leave your old job," the woman continued.

There it was. The question. Aoife had to be careful with this one. "I wanted to branch out and explore new options and fields."

Mrs. Bradbury after another thorough observation, placed Aoife's resumé on the table. She sighed heavily. "It's not everyday I do this, Miss Branson. But I would like to give you a trial run. If you're up for that is."

"Yes, definitely," Aoife sat up straight, covering up her surprise. At the same time, a pleasant sense of relief washed through her.

The two witches stood up. "So, as a rundown, I'll tell you what is needed from you," said Mrs. Bradbury. "My is niece is coming back from the States. She has two children that can take into. Somewhat handful, the two. Though nothing you've done before. We'll start Monday and discuss plans from there."

"Yes, ma'am!" Aoife replied; hopefully, not too excitedly. She followed Mrs. Bradbury towards the door to the open classroom-like area, there waited Andrew. He actually waited for her. Not that she didn't think he would, but at least thought he'd wait outside.

"Mr. Mazur," Mrs. Bradbury began. "Didn't think you'd still be here."

"She still hasn't familiarized herself with the area well enough yet," Andrew stated as if it were the most matter of fact thing in the world.

True, Aoife hasn't. While by memory she can recognize said places, she wasn't yet comfortable to walk from one destination to the other alone. Even the daily walks with Hazel and Magaly. Though to a considerable amount, Aoife was able to manage herself. Sometimes in the company of Dianne.

"That's very kind of you, Mr. Mazur," said Mrs. Bradbury. "She must be fortunate to have happen to stumble upon you and the Goodwinds."

The auburn haired wizard replied a curt nod. Can't say what he's exactly thinking based on the uncertain expression on his face. Fortunately, he decided not to converse on the topic any further. "Well, we should be heading off."

Not sure if he directed it to her or Mrs. Bradbury, Aoife rejoined Andrew regardless. The two made way to the exit and to reveal to the outer side Isaac with umbrellas in hand; with his being obviously open. "Can't let the two of you get wet," he gave Andrew the closed one. "It's really coming down."

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