5: Not An Ideal Encounter

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Students left and right put their names in the Goblet of Fire in the Great Hall where it's all displayed. No surprise the Weasley twins were planning on entering. Despite not being of age. What else is to be expected of them? The two troublesome terrors. Nothing can stop them. No one can stop them.

"You're seriously going to enter?" asked Ron dumbfounded.

"We are," replied Fred matter-of-factly.

Ron, Harry and Hermione followed them as the twins were entering their name in the goblet. Slightly concerned for the twins on another one of their schemes.

"And how are you two going to that?" Ron continued to pester.

Fred rolled his eyes. "We brewed an aging potion, so once we drink it or in this case, already drank the potion, we'll be old enough."

"I don't think this is a good idea, you guys," Hermione warned worriedly. "Something can go wrong. There is an age line after all."

George sighed. "Don't be such a fuddy-duddy, Hermione. It's all in good fun."
To Fred: "Let's get this over with. Ready, Fred?"

"Ready, George," Fred followed.

Hermione frowned as Fred and George made way to the goblet. Harry remained silent the whole time. Not wanting to get in the middle of the whole debacle. But eventually they'd learn their lesson. Even though they never do. Again, the Weasley twins are unstoppable once they set their minds to something.

Aoife, who just now peaked outside the Great Hall to see who else were submitting their names. Just in time to see Fred and George doing so and looking smug as ever, cheering and giving one another a high-five. So, their plan did work?
The celebration didn't last long when blue fire surrounded the pranksters and thrusted them in the air. One of them landed hard on Aoife, causing her to yelp.

"Argh," groaned the one who landed on her. Only to see they aren't exactly themselves anymore. Instead strings of matted white hair sprouting in various directions and a long beard to match. The one who landed on her gasped. "Dammit! I am so sorry," the voice belonged to George. "I don't know what just happened -" pausing mid sentence when seeing Fred at the same state.

"Georgie?" said Fred hesitantly.

The Weasley twins got and observed one another. It wasn't long when a chorus of laughter filled the Great Hall. Fred and George laughed along. What else to be expected of them? Aoife managed to get up. Unfortunately, can't say her wrist survived the impact of the fall. It didn't seem broken, but still hurt when she moved her fingers.

Dumbledore then came in, laughing as well. "Sadly, we had to take extra precautions in case something of sort would happen." To Fred and George: "You two weren't the only ones to try this stunt, though I must say your beards are quite distinguished."

Harry, Ron and Hermione came tailing after.

"Still think Hermione's a fuddy whatever?" asked Ron his brothers.

"Yes, yes we do," said back Fred.

Lee who happened to laughed the hardest took Fred and George to the hospital. "You to never learn, do you?"

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