2: Almost, But Not Quite

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"Poor thing," Aoife heard a voice that belonged to a woman. "How long has she been out in the open?"

"Days, I assume," replied a man's voice.

"It's a good thing you found her when you did, Isaac, or else she'd be dead," another woman's voice followed. "It's a downpour out there."

Aoife felt like it's been eons since the last time she felt the warmth of fire and coziness of a bed. She wanted to open her eyes, but they gave up to the tiredness the very moment. Any energy that was left, now gone.

"She does look so young and probably comes from a well-off family," stated the first woman. "Wonder if she's still in school."

Aoife gave another attempt to flutter her eyes open to make out the people in the same room. All she sees is a blur and silhouettes. Can't even speak had she attempted to.

"Come along, you three," in came a new voice. "Let the girl rest. When she's all up and about, then you can ask your questions."

"Doesn't help that Magaly and Hazel have come up with their own conspiracies of her," the man, Isaac said in a disapproving tone.

Soon enough the room was empty. Leaving behind the third woman, who put a warm compress on her forehead.

Wake up, Aoife's own voice pleaded for her. Please, wake up.

Hopefully, Merlin can answer her silent prayer. Yet, that one person whom she loved with all her heart remained in her conscience. And that person now is thriving his life with someone else who isn't her. The same old thoughts circling her mind many times over.
At least he's happy again. That's all it matters. His happiness is what truly matters. Even if it means her being no longer in the equation. Then so be it.


Students awaited the Hogwarts Express, welcoming them back to another new year at Hogwarts. As the train comes to a complete stop, kids left to right biding their family farewell before setting a foot inside.

"And you have your dress?" Aoife's mum asked.

"Packed away safe," she replied.
Still wondering if her little theory for this year may be true.

"You're going to have so much fun," Mum continued.

Aoife's dad rolled his eyes. "Yeah, Hogwarts never did anything fun when we attending. Kind of stupid considering everything that just happened."

"Hush now, Tristan," Mum reprimanded jokingly.

"Just saying what everyone else is thinking, Gracie," Dad countered back.

Aoife cleared her throat in the middle of her parents version of flirting. Reminding them she's still here. Mum and Dad snapped back to reality.

"Anyway, have fun this year, Fifi," Dad rubbed the back of his neck. "Just not with that boy."

Mum gave him a wary look, and Aoife shook her head.
The Hogwarts Express let out one last whistle, indicating students who are still outside to get in. Aoife hugged her parents another time before getting in.

It seemed like every compartment was taken. What are the chances of finding an empty space? Though, to her luck, there was one untouched. Aoife went in and closed the door. Leaving behind the rounds conversations on the event of the Quidditch World Cup and others on what is supposedly going on this year.

The train started moving, as the passing landscapes is now nothing, but a green blur. Almost putting her in trance.
When a knock on the glass woke her up from the state. Aoife turned to see two third year girls. Luna Lovegood, a Ravenclaw like her and Ginny Weasley from Gryffindor.

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