Chapter 2: Calm Before The Storm

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"Mark? Are you ready?" Debbie called from the kitchen.

"Yeah mom," she heard his voice reply. "Just need to brush my teeth!"

Debbie chuckled as she re-tightened her bun of jet black hair. Even after all these years, brushing his teeth was always the thing Mark would almost forget before heading off to school. After a while, she heard his sneakers rushing down the dark brown stairs, his black backpack hanging from his shoulder and brown cargo pants freshly ironed. His short black hair had a slight glimmer to it; he'd clearly applied some hair gel after brushing his teeth.

"Sorry mom," Mark panted. "I'll make it to school on time I swear."

"Hold on," Debbie said, then walked over and gave Mark one last hug.

"I love you too mom," Mark sighed. "I'll text you when I'm out of school later."

"Okay son," Debbie replied. "Have a good day!"

Debbie smiled to herself as her son darted out the door and to his bus stop. His punctuality could be improved, yes. But he was still hers and Nolan's son. A good heart, good grades, and stellar work ethic. And with any luck, he'd be getting his powers soon. At least, that's what her husband was hoping.

Nolan. Debbie couldn't help but wish he'd stop stressing so much about Mark getting his powers when he came of age. Yes, she'd known of Nolan's extraterrestrial origins from the first time they'd met. It was quite a marvelous thing, really. He'd left his home world of Viltrum to come and help the people of Earth. That was something to be truly admired.

But, at times, Debbie couldn't help but have a nagging at the back of her mind that Nolan would be disappointed, maybe even angry, if Mark didn't end up inheriting his powers. Would this Viltrum Empire punish Nolan if Mark didn't turn out to be a warrior? And why had he been periodically living in Japan for the past fourteen years? Did he really need to do that for his missions?

Debbie shook those worries from her head No, nonsense. Things would work out. Mark would most likely be getting his powers soon. And Nolan knew best how to carry out his missions as a superhero. There was nothing to worry about.

She checked her purse, brushed off her business suit one last time, and headed out the door.


"I'm sorry for being so insistent on taking you to the competition, Kousei," Hiroko said,

wiping a tear from her eye. "I should've been more empathetic."

"It's okay Hiroko," Kousei assured her as he flipped over the eggs in the pan. "I know

you were just trying to look out for me."

Koharu ambled into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes and still dressed in her bright purple

PJs. Hiroko patted the adorable toddler's head and scooped her up into her arms as Kousei dished up their breakfast.

"You've been a lot more perky lately," Hiroko winked as the three of them sat down in

the small dining room. Kousei just chuckled as he poured himself some milk.

"Well, I won the competition against all odds, right?" Kousei smiled.

"Not that ya lovebird!" Hiroko laughed. "Come on, the whole town is gonna be raving

about yours and Kaori's miracle reunion!"

"Yeah, I'm sure they will," Kouesi shrugged as he began eating his breakfast.

"Can I please have owange juice, mommy?" Koharu piped up.

"Sure thing ya little squirt," Hiroko said, rising to her feet and walking to the refrigerator.

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