Chapter 3: Remember That Time

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"So, guess whose powers are starting to come through?" Mark said in an excited tone.

"Really?" Debbie said, her eyes going wide.

"Are you certain?" Nolan asked, a slight tension in his deep voice.

"Yeah! I threw a trash bag way high into the sky at work today. Doesn't get more clear cut

than that."

The dining table was filled with silence for a few moments, until Debbie gave her

husband a slight nudge with her elbow

"Um, yes, that's amazing, son!" Nolan smiled, remembering the act he had to keep up.

"I'm so glad to hear that! Tell you what, how about we start training bright and early tomorrow?"

"I'd love that, dad," Mark smiled, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Well, then you boys better eat up,"Debbie laughed. "I didn't cook this chicken and

bratwurst for nothing!"

As Omni Man lay next to his wife later that night, his enormous muscles felt more tense

than they ever had before, and a critical uneasiness nagged at the back of his mind. Originally, he'd had his secret marriage to Ryouko as a contingency plan if Mark didn't get his powers. Then, Kaori had been diagnosed with a disease that was incurable on this world, and he'd cursed himself for being so paranoid. Just like everyone else, he'd thought Kaori was going to die and he'd only be left with Mark. But now, it seemed, both of his children had received their Viltrumite heritage in full.

Best case scenario? Both Kaori and Mark would help him conquer this planet and

The Viltrum Empire would richly reward him. Not just for bringing another planet under their control, but for contributing two more warriors to their cause. Worst case scenario? They would both turn against him and he'd be forced to kill them, along with the rest of the people on this world.

The thought of having to fight and perhaps kill them made his stomach churn. Was there

another way out? Was there a chance that maybe he could just run away with them? Or abandon Earth if his children did not see the light?

Nolan shook that treacherous thought from his mind. No. This was the only way. Not just

the only way, but the right way. He had served proudly as an officer of Viltrum for almost two millennia now. His duty to the empire came first and foremost. His wife–or wives, that is–and children, came second. If they did not like it, too bad for them. The people of this world were weak. But Omni Man was a Viltrumite, here to bring them order, peace, and prosperity. If his children did not submit, they would die. And the rest of the planet, if they did not take the example he made of them seriously, would follow.

Omni Man smiled as he rolled on to his right. At least one of his children would follow in his footsteps after they were trained. Mark was most likely going to be the more difficult of the two, but Omni Man was up for the challenge. As for Kaori, he'd need to find a way to make her think of her musical talent as a tool that could be used in the Viltrum Empire.

All he needed to do was talk with her. More specifically, he'd need to talk to that boy she loved. The one with the funny glasses and the knack for playing piano.

What was the weakling's name again?

Ah, yes.

Kousei Arima.


"Dang it!" Kousei exclaimed, slamming his hands onto the piano keys. He'd played Love's Sorrow perfectly just a few months ago, blast it! Why was it so hard to play now? Even in this moment, Kousei could hear Kaori's incessant scolding badgering him in the back of his mind.

Kaori, Viltrumite | Your Lie In April x InvincibleWhere stories live. Discover now