1. The start

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Raghunath had reached the Kuru capital in a matter of weeks. The rains had already started. It started drizzling as he walked from the guest house to the Mahamahim's private office. He had requested for a meeting and finally received a letter saying that he could meet the Mahamahim.

He reached the entrance and asked a maid to announce his arrival. As he waited he could not help but observe the palace's grandeur. It wasn't the main palace but it had showed the richness of the Kuru empire.

"The Mahamahim has called you inside sir." The maid said as she came out from the room.

Raghunath entered the room and was awestruck by its simplicity, but he had not lost his senses, he bowed low and removed his turban.

"Mahamahim Gangaputr Bhishm ko mera pranam" He said wearing his turban again

"Ahh! Raghunath ji a pleasure to meet you." Bhishma said smiling

"The pleasure is all mine, sir." Raghunath replied giving him a sweet smile.

"Where is Neelkanth ji, doesnt he bring the revenue shares every year?" Bhishma asked

"There is a marriage in his household sir, his own daughter is marrying the Prince of Ujjain, Vinayak." Raghunath replied.

"Ah! Marriages are quite tough to handle, now what bring you here?" Bhishma asked knowing this grand old diplomat would not waste time just to meet someone.

"The walls have ears your highness." Raghunath replied.

"Those ears belong to me, Raghunath, you have no threat here." Bhishma reassured.

"We are under the constant threat of the Magadhan emperor, your highness. Now we are asked to shed our last bit of respect for him." Raghunath started his voice becoming lower.

Bhishma stood silent for a second, the troops he had sent to help the Avantiraj had met with unexpected problems on the way, hence leading to the victory of the Magadhans. 

"What happened? Shouldn't all be well after Avantiraj's sister married Jarasandha?" Bhishma asked feeling sorry for Avanti.

Raghunath sensed the change in tone. He knew Bhishma was getting softer by the minute. He now had to wait for the right moment.

"We have been ordered to marry our Princess, Rajkumari Niranjana to the heir apparent of the Chedi throne Rajkumar Shishupal." Raghunath said with caution.

"He eshwar! Such an atrocity to that girl. Now, Avantiraj could not possibly agree to this. She won't go there as a daughter-in-law, she will live there like a political prisoner." Bhishma exclaimed.

"Our hands are tied, your highness. That is why I am here to seek your help." Raghunath said carefully studying Bhishma's face.

"How can I help you? I want to help" Bhishma continued.

"Beggars are not choosers. We shall receive what you can give with gratitude." Raghunath said joining his hands before Bhishma.

"No, no don't speak like this Raghunath. Avantiraj's father late Maharaj Sudarshan was my student, one of my finest. I could never let something so grave happen to his grand daughter." Bhishma shook his head.

Raghunath now knew, Bhishma was trapped with his own words. It was now time to strike.

"There is one way, we can save the Rajkumari." Raghunath started.

"What is it? I swear by my mother Ganga, I shall do everything in my power and make it happen." Bhishma said, not realizing the gravity of his own words.

"Emperor Jarasandha is only afraid of you, if you send a marriage proposal for the princess on behalf of your first grandson..." Raghunath began

"So you say, if I send a proposal for your princess, then she can be saved." Bhishma asked.

"Now sir, this idea is of an immature brain like mine. If you have a better plan then we can go ahead with that as well." Raghunath said, but he knew there was no other way to make it happen. Bhishma could not step back from the job either, he had sworn by his mother's name.

Bhishma thought for a while. He was now trapped in his own integrity. No wonder his spies had told him of Raghunath's iron tongue. He had to find a way now, but he knew the only way was the plan proposed.

"The ballads sing of the beauty, grace and intelligence of your princess, surely she would be a wonderful addition to our family." Bhishma said truthfully, and a smile came on Raghunath's face.

"Your highness, what do I take of that answer?" Raghunath asked.

"Yes, your princess will be our future queen. I promise that Raghunath." Bhishma smiled.

"Thank you sir, you have once again saved Ujjain. We shall forever be grateful to you." Raghunath said his smiles reaching his eyes.


Now, a bigger challenge lay before Bhishma. He had to now inform the family of his decision.

He called a dinner meet of the entire family hosted in his private palace by the bay of river Ganga.  The entire family and the Queen's brother Shakuni sat at the table, with Bhishma at its head.

"Now, you must all be wondering why we have gathered here. I have taken a very important decision." Bhishma started and silence fell in the room.

"I have decided that a marriage shall take place in the house." Bhishma said and he saw the confusion etched on everybody's face.

"Yudhishtira is the eldest of the new generation and of course he is already twenty five. I have found a suitable bride for him." he announced. He saw the mischievous glint in the eyes of his grand nephews Arjuna and Bheema. Kunti looked alarmed, while Yudhishtira was calm and listening carefully to the conversation.

"May I ask who it is Mahamahim?" Kunti asked.

"The Princess of Ujjain,  Niranjana, the 21st Avantika" He replied, and could see Kunti wasn't satisfied. Yudhishtira's face now bore a smile.

"Do I have an opinion Mahamahim?" Kunti asked. 

"Of course you do, but I have already decided that this marriage shall happen. There is no discussion on this matter. She fulfills all your boxes for Yudhishtira's bride." Bhishma said curtly knowing that the economic and political situation of Ujjain was the reason.

Kunti could not speak but she wasn't satisfied.

"Pitamaha, I think we should consider Jyeshta's opinion first." said Duryodhana

"Yes, so Putr Yudhishtira, what do you say?" Bhishma asked.

"Pitamaha, if you have chosen the Princess, you would have thought about it thoroughly. I trust your judgement and accept the proposal." Yudhishtira said honestly.

The dinner came to an end amicably. As everybody was leaving Kunti approached Bhishma.

"Pitamaha, what if Avantiraj declines?" she asked

Bhishma laughed, confusing her.

"Why would anyone decline to marry your son putri, he is perfect in all senses. Don't worry, start the preparations." he said and dismissed her.

Kunti left, but Bhishma knew that Gandhari did not seem very happy about the proposal he now had to find out why.



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