5. The festivities start

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Avanti was immersed in preparations. Their eldest princess was getting married. The three day festivities had begun. Today would be the first day and would be a ganesh pooja. The kurus had brought their own ganesh murthi which was installed in the Ganesh Mahal, the residence of the Kurus for the stay.

Kushalini was in the royal gardens, calming herself before the rush began. It was very early in the morning, and the sun was just rising.

She was happy for her sister. Her sister had a pure heart and she deserved someone just like her. The morning wind hit her face and the birds chirped welcoming the morning sun. SHe sat down under a tree and stretched her legs.

Her calm and peace were disturbed as an arrow whizzed past her closed eyes and she opened her eyes. She opened her eyes in panic and saw that the arrow had pierced a tree bark.

She stood up and went to pick up the arrow. Her brothers weren't practicing, both of them were busy with the upcoming rituals. She took the arrow in her hand and observed the arrow. 

She was lost in her thoughts and she didn't even realized that someone had been approaching her.

"Devi, forgive for intruding your privacy, may I please have my arrow back?" A voice said suddenly, and shook her from her thoughts.

Kushalini looked up. There were two men in the garden, one stood behind and looked a lot like her brother-in-law's second brother Bheema, but this man who had spoken to her had some kind of vibrance to him.

He was tall and lithe. His face shone, as if equalling the sun. His bow was in his hand. A typical bow from Aryavarta, custom made to the height of the user.

"One should not except privacy in a public garden...." Kushalini smiled not knowing the stranger's name.

"I am Karna, Devi. Forgive me if I am rude, but I didn't catch you name." Karna smiled back.

"Forgive me Angraj, I did not recognise you. I am Avantiraj Vaivaswan's youngest daughter Kushalini." She introduced herself.

"And who is that?" She asked eyeing Duryodhana who stood a little behind with a knowing smile on his face.

"This is my dear friend, Gandhari nandan Rajkumar Duryodhan." Karna introduced as Duryodhana walked forward.

"Pranipat Rajkumar" Kushalini bowed.

"Pranipat Rajkumari." Duryodhan smiled.

"I hope your stay has been comfortable so far." Kushalini enquired.

"It has been Rajkumari, Avantiraj hasn't left a stone unturned to make us feel uncomfortable." Karna replied.

"We shall take your leave Rajkumari, the Yuvraj's Ganesh pooja is supposed to start in a few moments." Duryodhana cut short.

'Isn't it the norm to call  your elder sibling Jyeshta?' Kushalini thought. 'Maybe he was keeping the Yuvraj's respect in front of a third person.'

"Of course, I myself should go and attend my sister's Ganesh Pooja" Kushalini said and continued "It was an honour meeting you sires."

"The honour was ours." Karna replied.

Kushalini walked out and Karna smiled.

Duryodhana gave a teasing smile to his friend and Karna glared.


The Niranjana Mahal, Niranjana's private quarters was bedecked with celebration. The Ganesh pooja was to take place. This was the first celebration, where the both the groom and bride party prayed for the smooth functioning of the marriage rituals.

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