2. The Queen questions

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A letter reached Avanti, but the hula boo was heard all over Aryavarta. The Emperor of the Kurus had sent a proposal to marry his nephew the future emperor Yuvraj Yudhishtira to the eldest daughter of Avantiraj Rajkumari Niranjana. The matter reached Jarasandha as well and he had no choice but to comply.

"Niru, Niranjana! Where are you? You foolish girl, Pitaji is looking to et you married and you spend hours together on a swing!" Himavathi huffed trying to find her sister-in-law.

Niranjana cared the least, she felt free with Godavari. Her mind relaxed. She swung the swing higher and higher in her garden which faced the river. A part of the river flowed through her garden. The river had watched her grow up.

She hummed a tune and kept her mind occupied hearing the sound of the river. She had spent the morning with her future sister-in-law Shambhavi, and she was tired. But the river seemed to have a calming influence on her. 

Her peace and calm was broken by her sister-in-law. 

"Arey bhabhi! I am here." She replied.

"Chalo! Pitaji is calling you, it seems urgent." Himavathi said, she had been ordered to say only that much nothing more nothing less.

"Is everything okay?" She asked picking up her uttariya from a tree branch and setting it properly.

"I don't know. Pitaji wanted to meet you." Himavathi replied setting the uttariya properly on Niranjana's shoulder.

Himavathi knew that Niranjana had realized she wasn't telling the complete truth. Niranjana still agreed and walked towards the main palace.

The Ujjain palace was one of its kind. It was more like a complex. The main palace consisted of three floors. The first floor dedicated for the court and offices of different officials. The second and third floor consisted  was for the King and his family. Around the main palace different small palaces were built which served different purposes. The palace was protected by a moat and a double wall. 

Niranjana walked to the main palace and climbed the marble stairs. She was deep in thought, what could be the reason behind her father calling her. The matter had to be serious.

She entered her father's office and saw the entire family sitting there. Her mother and step mother was beaming and her father was happy. Her brothers and Kushalini seemed happy today.

"There is a marriage proposal for you!" Her mother announced. 

Niranjana knew she would be married sooner or later, but she always hoped it would be a swayamvar, this proposal had reduced her chances of having a swayamvar.

"It is from the Kuru emperor, he has sent a proposal for his nephew." Vivaswan announced.

Her heart started thudding loudly. Surely it couldn't be him.

"It is for the yuvraj, Kaunteya Yudhishtira!" Kushalini excitedly revealed. 

Niranjana looked at her mother and father to make sure Kushalini wasn't pulling her leg.

"Yes, its true! Mahamahim Bhishma has sent a proposal on behalf of his nephew! They want this marriage to happen. Only your acceptance is awaited." Bhavani smiled.

Niranjana had seen Yuvraj Yudhishtira only once. It was during Guru Dronacharya's kala pradarshan. His prowess and sense of judgement had made the young girl develop little feelings for him. 

But she had brushed it off. Now, a marriage proposal from him seemed as if even Mahakaleshwar wanted it to happen.

"So, what do you say? Yes or no? It is from the Mahamahim himself!" Vivaswan reiterated.

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