7. The Marriage

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It was now the day of the marriage. Ujjayini was in a frenzy. Every small road had been decorated and all the temples were decorated. All over the kingdom, temples did special havans and yajnas for the prosperous marital life of their princess.

The sun had not yet risen, but Niranjana had already woken up. She had not slept the entire night. The excitement had kept her awake.

She sat at her window thinking about her life. Many questions surrounded her. She was a Kshatrani (kshatriya woman), her husband was entitled to have many more wives. She knew it since the time she had matured enough to understand the institution of marriage.

She was a woman. She had seen the remarriage of her own father. Though her father was never partial, she always saw a hint of sadness in her mother's eyes. She didn't want that. She wanted a man who could love her and her only. But she knew her husband was made for great things, but maybe this one wish of hers could be fulfilled.

Her mother entered breaking her train of thoughts. 

"Oh! you are up! Great, go and take a bath. The maids have prepared it already. Himavathi and Usha will be here to help you get ready" Gayathri instructed. Somehow her mother was already ready.

Niranjana simply nodded and Gayathri left the room and closed the door. The maids then helped her bath and they dried her hair.

Himavathi and Usha entered the room. They ordered everybody to exit and only the three of them remained.

"We don't want any evil eye on the bride do we?" Usha smiled.

"We ourselves will get the bride ready." Himavathi smiled.

Niranjana could only nod. 

Piyali Munsi as Yuvrani Himavathi Devi

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Piyali Munsi as Yuvrani Himavathi Devi

"I know what is going on in your mind. I understand it all. That is another reason we are here." Usha said and made Niranjana stand up. Himavathi in background removed the saree from its box and spread it out on the bed.

"Your marriage is not happening to some king. It is happening with the Yuvraj of Hastinapur. You need to understand that you will be burdened with responsibilities." Usha started.

"But that does not mean you will only be the Yuvrani. You will be his better half. His dharmpatni. And your marriage won't be all roses no matter who says what. Communication is the key Niru. You have to talk to him. Not only about your dreams and desires, you have to take to him about your insecurities and your deepest thoughts." Himavathi said as she tucked the saree at her waist.

"You have to learn to trust him. You have to trust him with your life. You should trust him enough that you should know if you fall he would catch you. You should earn his trust as well. He should trust you with his life. Trust is the foundation of any relationship. If it cracks the entire relationship falls." Usha said pleating the dhoti part of her saree.

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