Nip It in the Bud

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In the cozy living room of a spacious Seattle house, the evening air was filled with the competitive yet playful banter of a family deeply intertwined both in personal and professional lives. The room, adorned with comfortable furnishings and personal mementos, echoed with the sounds of a Monopoly game in full swing.

Derek Shepherd, a renowned neurosurgeon with a sharp mind and a protective streak for his family, sat confidently at the Monopoly board, a smirk playing on his lips as he moved his piece onto the coveted Park Place. He leaned back in his chair, his eyes twinkling with triumph. "And that, ladies, means I now own the most important street," he declared, his voice filled with mock arrogance that belied the affectionate tone underneath.

Meredith Grey, Derek's wife, and a surgical resident in her own right, sat opposite him. Her hair fell loosely around her face, framing her playful yet piercing eyes. She stuck her tongue out at Derek, a gesture of mock annoyance and affection. "In your dreams, Shepherd," she retorted, her voice light but carrying an undercurrent of competitive spirit.

Next to Meredith, Lexie Grey, Mark's fiancée and a rising star in the surgical field, sat with an easy grace, her laughter filling the room. Lexie's laughter was infectious, and soon all three were sharing a light-hearted moment, the stresses of their demanding careers temporarily forgotten.

However, the relaxing atmosphere was abruptly shattered by the sounds of shouting from upstairs, followed by the loud bangs of two doors slamming in quick succession. The sudden disturbance caused Derek, Meredith, and Lexie to exchange knowing glances.

Meredith let out a resigned sigh, her face reflecting a mix of concern and frustration. "Are they fighting again?" she asked, her voice tinged with weariness.

Lexie nodded, her expression turning slightly upset. "Yeah," she began, her voice reflecting her discomfort with the situation, "Mark is reaming Jackson out for every tiny mistake, and Mary thinks he's being so hard on Jackson because she's dating him." Lexie's gaze drifted towards the ceiling, as if she could see through the floors to the conflict unfolding above them.

Derek's expression turned grim, his forehead creasing with lines of disapproval. "Mark claims that his extreme sternness has nothing to do with Mary's personal life," he said, his deep voice heavy with skepticism, "but we all know better."

Lexie, who knew Mark's character perhaps better than anyone else in the room, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he can get overprotective," she said, turning to face Derek. Her eyes were understanding, yet held a hint of admonishment. "You're not much better. Jackson just isn't on Neuro, so you can't give him a hard time," she added, her tone gentle but firm.

Derek shrugged, a small smile acknowledging Lexie's insight. He knew she was right; his protective nature often mirrored Mark's, especially when it came to their younger sister, Mary.

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of footsteps on the stairs. Mary Shepherd, the youngest of the Shepherd siblings and a prodigious second-year resident, appeared at the entrance to the living room. Her usually bright eyes were clouded with anger, and her posture was tense, exuding frustration and defiance.

Without a word to anyone, Mary strode across the room, her every step radiating her irritation. She grabbed her car keys from the small table by the door and stormed out, slamming the front door behind her with a resounding thud.

Derek's eyebrows rose in response to his sister's dramatic exit, his instinct as both the head of the house and the eldest brother kicking in. He made a move as if to follow her, but Meredith's gentle hand on his shoulder stopped him. Her touch was soothing, her presence a calming influence on his natural inclination to intervene.

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