I Need You to Fill the Void...

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The clinking of cutlery against plates filled the spacious kitchen of the Shepherd-Sloan household, a rare moment of tranquility amidst the chaos of hospital life. Mark and Derek Shepherd, two esteemed surgeons of Seattle Grace Hospital, were enjoying a much-needed respite from their demanding roles as attendings. Their conversation meandered from the complexities of their upcoming surgeries to lighter topics, a camaraderie born of years of shared experiences both within and outside the hospital walls.

As the evening light waned, casting a soft glow through the kitchen windows, the front door creaked open, signaling the arrival of Mary Shepherd, the youngest member of their unique family at only nineteen.

Mary's entrance, however, was anything but the lively greeting they were accustomed to. Her steps were heavy, her shoulders slumped with exhaustion, a stark contrast to the energetic presence she usually brought home.

Derek, ever the protective older brother, was the first to notice the change. He stood up abruptly, his chair scraping against the hardwood floor. "Mary, are you sick?" he asked, his voice laced with concern as he approached her.

Mary, startled by the sudden attention, pulled away, a reflexive gesture of independence. "I'm fine," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper, as she sidestepped Derek to reach the refrigerator.

Mark, observing the exchange with equal concern but opting for a softer approach, chimed in. "Are you hungry, Mare?" he asked, his use of her childhood nickname an attempt to pierce the veil of her reserve.

She shook her head, her actions speaking volumes as she retrieved a water bottle from the fridge and quickly exited the kitchen, the finality of her departure leaving a palpable silence in her wake.

Derek and Mark exchanged worried glances, the jovial atmosphere from moments ago replaced by a heavy air of concern. "When was the last time you saw Mary eat? Or sleep, for that matter?" Derek asked, his brows furrowed in worry.

Mark shook his head, his usually unflappable demeanor showing cracks. "I don't remember, Derek. It's been weeks since she sat down for a meal with us. She's been...avoidant."

"D'you think she's just exhausted?" Mark pondered aloud, hoping for a simple explanation to Mary's recent behavior.

Derek, however, was not convinced. After a moment of contemplation, he shook his head, his instincts as both a brother and a surgeon telling him there was more at play. "It's more than that," he finally said. "Meredith and Lexie are residents too, but they're not acting like this. Avoidance, not eating...it's not just stress."

"But Mary's nineteen, Derek. Lexie's twenty-five, and Mer's thirty-one. Maybe it's hitting her differently?" Mark suggested, trying to rationalize the situation, yet his voice betrayed his own doubts.

Derek sighed, the weight of his responsibilities as a guardian heavy on his shoulders. "Even with the age difference, it's more than stress. I've got a bad feeling, Mark."

The two brothers continued their dinner in silence, the uneaten portions of their meal a testament to their growing worries. The conversation that had once flowed so easily between them was now stunted, their thoughts consumed by concern for Mary.

After a while, Mark broke the silence. "We need to do something, Derek. We can't just watch her spiral."

Derek nodded, his decision made. "Tomorrow, we'll talk to her."

Mark agreed, the resolve in Derek's voice bolstering his own determination. "And we'll keep an eye on Meredith and Lexie too. They might have noticed something we haven't. They're closer to her in age, and maybe Mary's opened up to them."

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