Smoking Struggles Continue

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Four months had passed since Mary's triumphant decision to quit smoking. It had been a challenging journey, but with the unwavering support of her makeshift family, she had overcome her addiction. However, life had a way of throwing curveballs, and two months ago, a traumatic event had shaken the foundations of their household.

The Clark shooting at the hospital had left Derek Shepherd wounded, a bullet piercing his chest. Mary had been there, face to face with the shooter, desperately pleading for her brother's life. The Shepherd household had struggled to recover from the aftermath, with each member grappling with their own form of PTSD. Mary, in particular, bore the emotional scars of that day, and the weight of her trauma had led her back to smoking as a coping mechanism.

Outside the hospital, Mary lit up a cigarette, seeking solace in the familiar ritual. However, her moment of respite was abruptly interrupted when Meredith Grey, her eyes widening in disbelief, approached with stern determination. She swiftly plucked the cigarette from Mary's lips, her gaze unwavering.

Meredith's voice was firm as she reprimanded Mary. "Do not even think about smoking that!"

Mary, attempting to downplay her actions, responded sheepishly but with a hint of defiance, "Oh, come on, what's one quick smoke before—"

Meredith, cutting her off with an assertive tone, demanded, "Since when did you start smoking again?"

Mary, mockingly indignant at first, attempted to retrieve another cigarette from her pocket but was interrupted by Meredith's seriousness. "Since Derek took a bullet to the chest."

Meredith, however, wasn't having it. She smacked Mary's hand lightly to make her drop the cigarette. Her expression had shifted from disbelief to anger. "Are you out of your mind?"

Mary rolled her eyes, trying to brush off the situation with a light tone. "Oh, come on, that was my last one, Mer!"

Meredith's anger flared, and she refused to let the matter slide. "Don't you 'Mer' me!" Mary's realization that Meredith wasn't joking around finally sank in. "You had a deal with your brothers!"

Mary, defiant but feeling a pang of guilt, replied, "Yeah, that was before the whole shooting."

Meredith's patience was wearing thin, and she took out her phone, her fingers flying across the screen. Mary's anxiety grew as she worried about Meredith's next move.

"Mer, what are you doing?" Mary inquired cautiously, a hint of fear in her voice.

Meredith remained focused on her phone, her determination unwavering. "I am texting Derek. You and I are going to go talk to him about this."

Mary, feeling cornered, made a desperate attempt to snatch Meredith's phone away. "Mer, come on, it was just one cigarette - I have not relapsed! You don't have to tell Derek!"

Meredith, keeping her phone out of Mary's reach, pointed a stern finger at the young resident she had come to consider a sister. "I love you, Mary, but I will NOT love you to death."

Mary's defiance wavered, and she blushed, her attitude subsiding. Her voice became small and hesitant as she spoke, "He will be furious. He will bring out the cane."

Meredith nodded, aware of the gravity of the familial discipline. "Yes, you should have thought of that."

Mary, biting her bottom lip anxiously, glanced downwards, her anxiety palpable. She whispered, "What did you tell him?"

Meredith raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest as she regarded Mary sternly. "If you're asking whether or not he already knows, he does. I told him. He's waiting for us."

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