Skipping School

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Mary is a high-school senior here.

Quiet afternoons were the rare oasis in the hectic lives of the Shepherd household. The Shepherd residence, nestled in the suburbs, felt unusually calm that Wednesday afternoon. With four out of five residents being dedicated doctors who endured unnecessarily long shifts, and the youngest member, Mary Shepherd, a high school senior actively engaged in club sports, it was a rare occurrence for everyone to be home simultaneously.

Mark Sloan and Derek Shepherd, brothers in everything but blood, found themselves in the living room, basking in the rare tranquility. Both doctors by profession, they cherished the moments when their schedules aligned and allowed for a brief respite. Engrossed in a discussion about medical cases, Derek couldn't contain his excitement any longer.

"I've decided, Mark. I'm going to propose to Meredith," Derek announced, a gleam of joy in his eyes.

Mark looked up from the medical file he was perusing, a wide grin spreading across his face. "About time, Shepherd! She's the one. I knew it the moment I saw her stealing your fries in the cafeteria."

Derek chuckled, sharing the details of the ring he had chosen and the elaborate plan he had concocted to pop the question. Mark listened intently, offering his enthusiastic support. Unlike Derek's ex-wife, Addison, Meredith Grey understood the profound importance Derek placed on family, particularly the bond he shared with Mark and Mary. They were, after all, the only remaining members of his immediate family, and Derek always kept them close.

As the conversation drifted towards lighter topics, the brothers couldn't help but marvel at the domestic serenity that had settled into their lives. The living arrangement, with Derek and Meredith, Mark and Lexie Grey all under one roof, felt like a chosen family—a sanctuary from the demanding and often chaotic world of medicine.

Their tranquil afternoon, however, was abruptly shattered by a notification on Derek's phone. An email from Mary's school flashed across the screen, expressing hope for her speedy recovery from the flu. Confused, Derek opened the message, reading aloud to Mark the school's concern for Mary's health and the notification of her week-long absence.

Puzzled, the brothers checked Mary's attendance records, discovering that she had not attended school for the entire week. A growing sense of unease settled in Derek's chest. He immediately dialed Mary's number, but the call went unanswered. Anxiety gnawed at him as he contemplated the possibility of his younger sister being in trouble.

"How is this possible? She came home the last two days at the usual times, and she left in the morning to drive herself to school," Derek mused aloud, his worry etched across his face.

Mark, equally concerned, suggested checking Mary's location through her phone. They needed to ensure she was safe and well, given the unusual circumstances surrounding her absence from school. Derek dialed her number once more, and this time, Mary answered.

"Hey, what's going on? Why haven't you been at school?" Derek questioned, his concern palpable.

Mary's response, however, was unexpected. Her voice, usually steady and composed, held a hint of nervousness as she explained that she was indeed at school and had been unwell. Derek's disbelief transformed into frustration as he sternly instructed her to come home immediately.

Mark, catching the urgency in Derek's voice, took the phone and warned, "Mary, you better get home right now, or you'll be dealing with the cane."

Stuttering, Mary hesitated before revealing, "I can't, Mark. I'm under the influence, and I can't drive in this state."

Derek's disappointment and concern deepened. "Under the influence? Mary, this is not a joke. Send us your live location, and we'll come to pick you up."

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