Cramping Hand

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The operating room was a flurry of controlled chaos as Derek meticulously navigated the intricate pathways of his patient's brain. The complex and delicate surgery had already stretched beyond the 20-hour mark. Beads of sweat dotted Derek's forehead as he focused intently on the task at hand, his hands moving with precision. Mary was holding the retractor, her hands steady, but her eyes were tired. 

Standing beside them was Mark, whose eyes were glued to the surgical field, providing silent moral support to Derek. His job was to ensure his siblings were taking care of themselves and not pushing themselves past their limits. 

Mark couldn't help but notice the toll the marathon surgery was taking on both Derek and Mary. He glanced at the clock, realizing that his brother had been standing over the operating table for far too long without a break. Concern etched across his face, Mark leaned over to Derek and whispered, "Hey, Shep, you need to take a break. You've been at this for hours."

Derek shook his head, his focus unbroken. "I can't leave now, Mark. I am just about to ligate the draining vessel."

Mark sighed, "Look, I get it, but you're no good to anyone if you collapse from exhaustion. Trust me, I've seen it happen. Come on, man, just take a break."

Derek shot him a weary look, acknowledging the concern but not willing to relent. "I'll take a break when the surgery is over. I promise."

Mark wasn't satisfied with the response. He glanced over at Mary, who was now suctioning around Derek's scalpel. Years of working by Derek's side allowed the neurosurgeon pair to work together like a well-oiled machine. "And what about her? She's been at it as long as you have."

Derek spared a momentary glance at his sister and then back to Mark. "She's fine. We're almost through."

Mark raised an eyebrow but didn't press the matter further, trusting Derek's judgment. However, as the hours passed, he couldn't shake the nagging worry for both Derek and Mary. As the surgery hit the 24-hour mark, the plastic surgeon's patience began to thin.

"Alright, Derek. This is getting ridiculous," Mark declared, leaning in closer. "You need a break, and so does Mary. We can't afford any mistakes."

Derek shot him a tired but resolute look. "I can't leave the patient in the middle of the surgery. And Mary is holding up just fine. We can... I think we have about five hours left. I'll take a break after I am done with-"

Mark crossed his arms, a stubborn set to his jaw. "I'm not asking, Shepherd. I'm telling you. Take a break. Your patient will thank you for it."

Derek sighed, recognizing the seriousness in Mark's tone. Reluctantly, he nodded. "Fine. I'll take a short break, but I need you to keep an eye on things."

Mark grinned, satisfied with the small victory. "That's the spirit, man. I'll make sure nothing goes wrong. You go get some fresh air, maybe grab a snack."

As Derek stepped away from the operating table, Mark turned his attention to Mary, who was still diligently holding the retractor. "And you," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder, "you need to take a break too. It's not a suggestion."

Mary smiled weakly, her fatigue showing. "I'm okay, Mark. Really. Derek is doing the heavy lifting."

Mark arched an eyebrow, not buying it. "I've watched the entire surgery. You have been assisting him, suturing, ligating... You may be a Shepherd, but you're not invincible. Trust me on this one."

However, Mary remained steadfast, determined to prove herself. "I can handle it, Mark. I want to be here for Derek and for the patient."

Mark sighed in frustration but decided not to push the issue further at that moment. Instead, he nodded and patted her shoulder. "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you."

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