Bad Days

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The living room, usually a haven of laughter and light-hearted banter, was subdued. Mark, Derek, Meredith, and Lexie occupied the space, their expressions unusually cheerless.

Mark Sloan-Shepherd, his posture slumped with the fatigue that comes from long hours in the operating room, was recounting his week's ordeal. "And that's how my rhinoplasty ended up killing the patient. She just never woke up from the anesthesia. It happens," he said, his voice tinged resignation. Lexie, sitting next to him, sensed his distress. She moved closer, curling up to him to provide comfort. Mark smiled at her, a grateful yet pained expression on his face. He pulled her in closer, seeking solace in her presence.

Across the room, on another couch, Derek lay with his head on Meredith's lap. His eyes were slightly red and distant, lost in his own troubling thoughts. Meredith played with his hair, her fingers gentle and soothing.

"I lost Maggie today," Derek said, his voice barely above a whisper. The other three grimaced, a shared pain reflected in their expressions. They all knew of Derek's connection to Maggie – he had treated her since she was nine, for four long years. "A ruptured brain aneurysm. I keep thinking if I was only a little faster..."

Meredith gently tapped his shoulder. "Don't – you could not have done anything," she reassured him.

Their somber conversation was abruptly interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. No one asked who it was; they all knew. The only person with a key who wasn't already in the room was Mary.

"In the living room, Mare," Derek called out.

Mary entered the living room. She was still in her light blue scrubs, a dark long-sleeve underneath. Her eyes were tired and brimming with exhaustion. "Hey," she said, her voice strained.

Mark shifted himself and Lexie to make room for Mary. "Hey, kiddo. Come sit with us," he invited, his tone warm and welcoming.

At the word 'kiddo', Mary stiffened visibly, a subtle reaction that did not go unnoticed by Lexie, who watched her with a mix of surprise and concern. It was common for Derek and Mark to use endearing nicknames like Mare, kiddo, or Little Shep in conversation, but something was amiss tonight.

Mary wearily took a seat next to her older brother, but instead of leaning into his comforting presence as she usually did, she leaned on the arm of the couch, creating a physical distance that was uncharacteristic of her. This surprised Mark, though he chose not to push, respecting her space.

Meredith broke the silence. "How was your day?"

Mary rolled her eyes, her voice even more tense and her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "Fine," she replied, the word laced with a bitterness that didn't quite match her usual upbeat demeanor.

Lexie prodded a bit further. "You sure? You seem a little off."

This seemed to hit a nerve. Mary snapped, her frustration palpable in her harsh tone. "I'm fucking fantastic. Superb. Just... fuck off, Lexie, will you?"

The room fell into a stunned silence. Derek, appalled at Mary's uncharacteristic attitude, sat up, his expression stern. "Mary! Watch the language!" he admonished, his voice firm and tinged with disbelief. Derek and Mark were firm believers in respect, and Mary had been raised with those values. Normally, Mary would respond to Derek's tone, recognizing the warning underneath, but tonight, she was too upset.

"I said fuck! I am nineteen, it's not a big deal. Stop treating me like a child, Derek," she retorted, her voice rising with each word. She turned to Mark, her frustration boiling over. "I am a surgical resident, a doctor, not some kind of kid you are stuck with." Then, turning to Lexie, her voice dripping with venom, she added, "I had a great fucking day. That enough for you, Lexie?"

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