First Drinks

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Requested by sunshineeyesss

In the bustling heart of Seattle, beneath the shadow of the towering Seattle Grace Hospital, the lives of the Shepherd siblings wove together a tale of resilience, care, and unwavering family bonds. Mary Shepherd, the youngest of the trio, had grown up in the corridors of the hospital, her life intertwined with the fates of her elder brothers, Derek and Mark, both of whom had embraced the mantle of guardianship with a blend of stern discipline and deep-seated love.

Derek, a renowned neurosurgeon, had always been the more reserved and thoughtful of the two, his demeanor reflecting the weight of the responsibilities he had shouldered since their father's passing. Mark, on the other hand, bore the charm and ease of a plastic surgeon who had navigated life's trials with a smirk and a can-do attitude, his bond with Derek unbreakable, his loyalty to the Shepherd family unquestioned.

The siblings' dynamic had always been unique, forged in the crucible of loss and the necessity of survival. Raised by their mother, Carolyn, after their father's untimely death, and later relying on each other following her demise, Derek and Mark had instilled in Mary a sense of discipline and respect, an ethos that had guided her through her formative years and into her prodigious career as a resident at Seattle Grace Hospital.

Despite, or rather because of the strict upbringing, Mary had blossomed into a bright, determined young woman, her intellect and compassion a testament to the influence of her brothers and the legacy of the Shepherds. However, as she navigated her second year of residency, a restlessness began to take hold, a yearning for experiences that had been denied to her in the name of protection and discipline.

The topic of alcohol had always been a forbidden one within the Shepherd household, Derek and Mark standing firm against its consumption, especially given Mary's youth and the responsibilities that rested on her shoulders. Yet, as she approached her twentieth year, her curiosity grew, her pleas to her brothers becoming more frequent and insistent.

"I just want to know what it's like," Mary would argue, her brow furrowed in frustration, the dining table becoming a nightly battleground over the subject. "Everyone at the hospital talks about going out, and I feel like I'm missing out on something."

Derek, his expression etched with concern, would exchange looks with Mark, the weight of their decision palpable in the air. "It's not about missing out, Mary. It's about being responsible, especially in our line of work," Derek would say, his voice steady but laced with an underlying warmth.

Mark, leaning back in his chair, his arms crossed, would add, "We know you're mature, Mary, but it's about setting an example, too. We've seen too many teens affected by alcohol, in and out of the hospital."

However, as the days turned to weeks, and Mary's request lingered in the air, a shift began to occur in Derek and Mark's steadfast stance. Observing her dedication at the hospital, her maturity in handling life-and-death situations, and her unwavering respect for their guidance, they began to reconsider their prohibition.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over Seattle, Derek and Mark convened in the living room, the decision weighing heavily on them. Meredith Grey, Derek's wife, and Lexie Grey, Mark's fiancée, sat nearby, their presence a comforting reminder of the extended family that had grown around the Shepherds.

"We've been thinking," Derek began, his voice betraying a hint of uncertainty, "about the alcohol."

Mark nodded, his gaze fixed on Mary, who looked back with a mixture of hope and apprehension. "You're nineteen, Mary. You've shown us time and again how responsible you can be. Maybe it's time we trusted you with this, too."

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