Bars and Fake IDs

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The lights of Seattle Grace Hospital cast long shadows as Derek Shepherd strode out, his scrubs stained with the day's challenges. The day had been long, emotionally draining, and physically exhausting. As he stepped into the cool evening air, he was looking forward to nothing more than a quiet night at home. Little did he know that the night was about to take an unexpected turn.

Derek's younger sister, Mary Shepherd, was a second-year resident at the same hospital. At the age of nineteen, she had the same determination and passion for medicine that ran in their family. The Shepherd siblings had been through a lot together. Their father had passed away when Derek was still young, leaving him to assume the responsibilities of the family. When Mary was just eight, their mother had also succumbed to illness, leaving Derek, at the age of 26, to become her guardian. 

Derek's plans to go home and relax with Meredith were crushed as soon as he saw Mark approach him. The neurosurgeon sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he leaned against the hospital's exit.

"Derek, you're not going to believe this," Mark said, his tone a mix of disbelief and amusement.

"Try me," Derek replied, already feeling the day's weight on his shoulders. 

"Our little sister decided to get herself hammered, and Joe called us to pick her up."

Derek's eyes narrowed, a mixture of concern and frustration crossing his features. "What the hell, Mark? She's only nineteen!"

Mark held up his hands defensively. "Hey, don't shoot the messenger. Joe said she gave the new guy a fake ID. He didn't know any better."

Derek rubbed his temples, contemplating whether he should be more upset at Mary's actions or the bartender's negligence. "And here I thought I could get a break. Let's go get her. We'll deal with this when we get home."

The drive to the pub was silent, the tension palpable between the two brothers. Derek's mind was racing with a combination of worry and disappointment. Mary had always been a responsible young woman, but moments like these reminded Derek of her young age.

When they arrived, they found Mary slouched at the bar, her once impeccable appearance now disheveled. Derek's stern expression softened briefly at the sight of his little sister in such a state, but the concern quickly turned back into frustration.

"Mary," Derek called, trying to get her attention.

She looked up, her eyes unfocused and glazed. "Derek?" she slurred, a lazy smile playing on her lips.

"Come on, we're taking you home," Mark said, his patience wearing thin.

Mary attempted to stand, but her legs gave way, and she stumbled into Derek's arms. He steadied her, a mixture of annoyance and worry etched on his face.

The ride back home was quiet, save for the occasional mumbled apology from Mary. When they reached the Shepherd residence, Derek helped her out of the car, and the three of them made their way inside. By the time they reached the living room, Mary had sobered up just enough to realize the gravity of the situation.

Derek's stern gaze bore into her as he spoke, his disappointment evident in every word. "Mary, what the hell were you thinking? You're underage, and you know better than to use a fake ID."

She mumbled an apology, avoiding eye contact with her brothers. "Sorry, Der. I wasn't thinking." Sensing that this was better handled by the eldest brother, Mark excused himself and headed upstairs to bed, leaving Derek to handle the situation.

"You're not a child anymore, Mary," Derek continued, his voice stern. "You're a resident at one of the top hospitals in the country, and you can't afford to jeopardize your career over something as reckless as this. What if someone had seen you?"

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