Smoking Habit

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The recent changes in the hospital, marked by mergers and shifts in leadership, had created an atmosphere of uncertainty and stress for every member. As one of the hospital's most promising residents, Mary felt the weight of responsibility on her shoulders. Attendings relied on her help, frequently paging her for cases - they wanted to avoid mistakes at all costs. The relentless pressure led Mary to seek an escape, a habit she had picked up a month ago – smoking. It was a fact she kept hidden from her brothers, knowing they would be furious, rightfully so.

However, as time went by, Mary grew more and more confident. One day, Mark caught sight of a familiar scene just outside the hospital entrance. Lexie, with a mischievous smile, held a cigarette between her fingers. Beside her stood Mary, panic etched across her face as she hastily put out her own cigarette.

Mark arched an eyebrow, a knowing smirk playing on his lips. "Well, well, what do we have here?" Lexie simply smiled, seemingly unfazed by the discovery. On the other hand, Mary looked like a deer caught in headlights, the fear of her brothers' reactions palpable.

Mark's eyes darted between the two, realization dawning. "You two are sneaky, huh? Smoking right outside the hospital like a couple of rebels."

Mary's eyes pleaded with Mark, silently begging him not to spill the secret to Derek. Mark was always the more easygoing out of the two, and Mary knew she would most likely get away with just a warning. Mark motioned for them to follow him to a more secluded spot. Once they were away from prying eyes, Mark crossed his arms and fixed Mary with a stern gaze, his smile melting away. "You've got some explaining to do, little sister."

Mary sighed, the weight of guilt evident in her eyes. She confessed how the stress of the recent months had driven her to pick up smoking. The pressure at work, the fear of job loss, and the constant demands on her skills had pushed her to seek solace in the forbidden habit. Mark listened attentively, his expression softening as he realized the toll the circumstances had taken on Mary.

After a moment of contemplation, he made a decision. "I won't tell Derek, but you need to promise me something." Mary nodded eagerly, grateful for Mark's understanding. "Quit. You're too young to be playing with that stuff, and Derek would have our heads if he found out. Promise me, Mary."

Mary met Mark's gaze, sincerity in her eyes. "I promise, Mark. I'll quit."


A pact was made, and for a while, it seemed like Mary was holding up her end of the bargain. However, the relentless stress of the job and the hospital's turbulent atmosphere pushed her to the edge. A few weeks later, she found herself lighting up with Lexie again.

A sudden cough interrupted their secret smoking session. Turning around, Mary and Lexie were met with Mark's disappointed gaze. "Mary, come on, you promised me," he sighed, a sense of resignation in his voice.

Mary bit her lip nervously, glancing between Mark and Lexie. "Mark, please. I know I promised, but it's been so stressful lately. I just needed a break."

Mark's expression eased, but the dissatisfaction lingered. "You can't keep doing this, Mary. Derek would kill me if he found out that I covered for you. You've got to quit, seriously."

"I know, Mark, I am sorry," Mary replied, "I'll quit, I promise. This was my last one. Just... don't tell Derek, please."

Mark hesitated, his eyes reflecting the internal struggle. Finally, he nodded. "Fine, but this is the last time. I mean it, Mary. One more and you will have to deal with Derek."


A couple of weeks passed, and Mary's performance at the hospital remained exemplary, but her stress levels continued to skyrocket. The craving for another cigarette became irresistible, and she grabbed Lexie, heading to their usual spot in the courtyard. They went through three cigarettes each until, yet again, a familiar cough interrupted them.

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