The Talk

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The Shepherd household was a unique blend of personal and professional lives. Derek's wife, Meredith Grey, and Mark's girlfriend, Lexie Grey, were part of this intricate family tapestry. And now, with Mary dating Jackson Avery, the dynamic had evolved further, with Jackson often found in their midst.

On this particular evening, the house was alive with the usual hum of activity. Derek and Mark were in the living room, deeply engrossed in a challenging medical case.

Upstairs, Mary was in her room, the soft glow of her lamp casting a warm light as she pored over medical texts. Her mind was a whirlwind of information, absorbing every detail with a hunger for knowledge that had always set her apart. She was unaware of the conversation happening below, her focus solely on her studies.

Jackson, having accompanied Mary home, had made himself scarce, respecting the unspoken rule of giving the Shepherds their space. Feeling a bit thirsty, he decided to venture downstairs to grab a glass of water. As he tiptoed towards the kitchen, lost in his thoughts, he accidentally wandered into the living room, interrupting Derek and Mark's discussion.

The moment was awkward, the air thick with a sudden tension. Jackson stood frozen, caught like a deer in headlights, as Derek and Mark turned their attention to him. There was a brief silence, a moment of unspoken communication between the brothers, before Derek cleared his throat.

"Jackson," Derek began, his voice calm but firm, "we saw you come in with Mary. In fact, you've been hanging around here a lot, lately."

Mark nodded, his expression serious. "We need to talk."

Jackson felt a knot form in his stomach. He straightened up, preparing himself to face whatever the brothers had in store.

Derek stepped forward, his gaze steady on Jackson. "You know how much Mary means to us," he said. "She's not just our sister; she's our responsibility, our only family."

Mark chimed in, his tone equally stern. "We've been through a lot together, and Mary has been through more than anyone her age should. We've seen her grow, struggle, and succeed."

Jackson nodded, understanding the weight of their words. He respected the bond the Shepherds shared, and he knew the importance of Mary in their lives.

"We're not trying to intimidate you," Derek paused, thinking for a moment, before continuing, "Okay, we are, but we need to make something clear. Mary is young, brilliant, and has a bright future ahead. We want to ensure she's with someone who respects that, who supports her and cares for her genuinely."

Mark's gaze was unwavering as he added, "If you hurt her, intentionally or not, you'll have us to answer to. We don't say this lightly. We've seen her heartbreak, and we won't stand for it again."

Jackson felt the seriousness of their words. He respected and admired Derek and Mark, not just as surgeons but as men who had stepped up to raise their sister against all odds. He knew they were not threatening him out of malice but out of a deep-seated love and protectiveness for Mary.

"I understand," Jackson replied, his voice steady. "I care about Mary, a lot. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her. I respect her, her intelligence, her ambition, and I would never try and interfere with that. I'm not here to play games or cause her pain."

Derek and Mark exchanged a look. They seemed to weigh Jackson's words, searching for sincerity and truth.

Finally, Derek nodded. "We're holding you to that, Jackson. Mary is special, and she deserves the best."

Mark patted Jackson on the shoulder, a gesture of approval, albeit cautious. "We're keeping an eye on you, Avery. Just remember that."

The tension in the room eased, and Jackson let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. He had passed the test, at least for now. The resident finally excused himself from the living room, feeling a mixture of relief and responsibility. He quietly made his way to the kitchen, the sound of his footsteps echoing slightly in the spacious house. Pouring himself a glass of water, he took a moment to collect his thoughts.

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