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(Callum is struggling with dreams that take over his mind and corrupt his thought process. Everything hurts... Nothing is right anymore. Rayla can only try to help. ANGSTY AS HELL. (With a lil fluff) WARNING: SADDDDDD prepare to cry. Word count: 967)

Callum stood there. How could he have been so stupid?! He had been so busy fighting monster soldiers, he had forgotten about the elven one. His elven one. Then she jumped. Now she was falling. Bound to hit the ground any minute now. He had to do something. Now. He jumped after her. "Manus Pluma Volantis! Come on, please work. Please work! Manus Pluma Volantis!" He continued to fall, no wings sprouting from his arms. "Rayla... I love you," he whispered. He closed his eyes to avoid seeing the sight before him. He felt the wings begin to sprout from his arms.

But it was too late.

Callum awakened with a jolt. He panted as he eyed the darkness. The soft folds of his silk mattress warm from the nearly restless night. He looked to his right. He sighed as he sat up. "Okay, okay." She was still there. Still, peaceful... perfect. She opened her eyes slowly. Blinking away fatigue, she quietly asked him what was wrong. He breathed deeply. "Nothing. I'm fine," he whispered, faking a smile at her.

Rayla sighed. "Okay. If you say so." Callum laid back down. He leaned his forehead against Rayla's and fell asleep. But the next dream...
was worse.

"Rayla... no..." Callum stared at the crumpled body. Blood, fresh blood, was... everywhere. On the ground, all over her clothes, oh, her tattered clothes, on Viren's face. On her face. In her hair. Everything was a deep wine red. Blood red. Footsteps could be heard behind him. Somebody put a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to face his aunt. Tears pricked at his eyes. A tiny squeal diverted his attention. Soren shielded the king's eyes. Callum sobbed over the elf's body. "N- no... Rayla..." His tears were uncontrollable. They rolled down his face, mixing with the blood on the ground. "No. Nooo!"

Callum opened his eyes, the morning light spilling into the large room. He looked around. It appeared to be no later than six in the morning. He remembered what day it was. July 15. His birthday. He stood, making sure to be quiet for the sleeping elf on his bed. He got ready for the day, his dreams still fresh in his mind. He sighed as he approached the door. It's gonna be a good day.

And that it was. He celebrated with the council. A large party. Barius made him a special birthday treat. Pineapple right-side-up cake! He even had time for an intimate moment with Rayla. His birthday made him forget all about those terrible dreams. Seeing his girlfriend alive and happy was all he needed. The way she danced and twirled to the happy music. Once, she dragged him onto the dance floor, much to the dismay of Opeli. Opeli had never like elves. She didn't like Rayla either.

Ez walked Callum and Rayla back to their room, laughing and chatting about the fun day. But as Callum laid back down on the comfy bed, it all came flooding back. The Spire, Rayla falling, the blood... the body. Tears welled up in his eyes a bit. Rayla, seeing this, wiped them away and asked him what was wrong. This time, however, she wouldn't take "nothing" for an answer.

Callum sighed. "Okay. Alright, okay. I-... I've been having some dreams. Dreams I can't explain." Rayla put her hand on his shoulder. He took the chance to pull her into a tight hug. "Don't ever do that again," he whispered. She immediately knew what he was talking about. "Shhh... it's okay, Cal. I'm right here. I'm okay. I'm alright. I'm right here." She stroked his back softly, speaking quietly to him. Callum nuzzled his head into her shoulder, the familiar scent of moonberries filling his nose. "I could've lost you," he whimpered. Rayla tightened the hug. "I'm okay. I'll never do that again. I love you," she whispered.

Callum inhaled deeply. "I love you too." Eventually, he fell asleep in her arms. Rayla set him down gently on the mattress. She snuggled up next to him. But she didn't fall asleep. She stayed up to make sure he would be okay.

But he wasn't.

The rain poured down. Callum sniffled and sobbed. Ezran hung his head low. Everyone wore black. The casket in front of them was hard for Callum to look at. Bait croaked sadly. He had grown to like the elf. He had been her hero. The glow toad turned away. The trees in the royal forest loomed over them. Soren sniffled. Amaya stood between Callum and Ez. Janai stood behind her. Gren sobbed. He had never even known this elf, but she had died in a noble and honorable way. She didn't deserve to die. The casket was closed. Mainly because Rayla's body was too torn up. One of Callum's tears dripped onto the grass.

Rayla shook him awake. "Callum, hun, wake up. You okay?" He took shaky breaths. "Yeah." "What was it this time?" "A funeral. Everybody was there. Even Soren was crying. It was raining. It was... awful," he whispered. She hugged him again. "I'm still here. And I'm never going away. You're okay. I'm okay. We're all okay... shhh... it's okay." He breathed deeply. He tried hard to conceal it, but soon, he just allowed himself to sob. He buried his face in his arms. The sound of his sniffles filled the large room. "It's okay," Rayla whispered again. Eventually, Callum gathered the courage to lay back down. Rayla laid down next to him. She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Rayla huddled up all close to Callum. She rested her head on his maroon pajamas. Within minutes, Callum had fallen asleep. His dream was pleasant. Nothing was wrong. He had his Rayla.

And that's all that mattered.

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