Notes, Words, And Awkward Blushing

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(They really gotta work out them issues tho-)

Rayla had come back on July sixteenth.

Last. Fucking. Year.

Callum sighed.

It had simply been too long.

He stood up. It was the middle of the night. But he couldn't back down. He wouldn't. He didn't even know what he would say...

He crossed the room, fiddling with his thumbs. Eventually, he sighed and reached for his sketchbook. He wrote, 'you awake?' on a piece of paper, tore it out, folded it, and slid it under her door.

Rayla looked at the tiny note for a second, then giggled softly. Such a dork. She walked over and picked it up. Reading it, she smiled to herself. She picked up a quill and wrote on the piece of paper, 'Yes, why?'. She folded it again and slid it under the door.

Callum picked it up, opening it and reading it. He wrote back, 'Can we talk?'

So there they were. Sitting on Callum's bed in silence, waiting for a simple word, even a sigh, to break it. Callum cleared his throat, trying to find the best way to start. He sighed.

"I'm sorry."

Rayla looked at him like he was crazy.

"You're what?"

"I'm sorry," he repeated.

Rayla raised an eyebrow. "What for? You did nothing-" Callum cut her off. "I did. When you came back... I was a dipshit. There's no other way to put it. I'm sorry."

Rayla's gaze softened. "You weren't a dipshit. You were angry. And, sure, you didn't deal with it in the best way, but it's not like you knew better. You were hurt." Callum looked at her. "But I pushed you away! When there were so many things we needed to focus on. I was careless, I was reckless... I was cruel."

Rayla rested her head on his shoulder. She whispered, "You weren't, Callum. And I don't care how many times I'll need to say it until you believe me. You have nothing to be sorry for. I should be apologizing. I left you. After deliberately saying I wouldn't. I built you up only to tear you down again. And I'm so sorry." Callum shook his head. "It's not your fault, though! You had no choice! I..." He choked on his words. "I could have treated you so much better. I should have treated you so much better! I should've treated the situation better. I should have been there for you."

Rayla nuzzled his neck. "You were. You always are. You just... You were mad. And that's okay. I get it. I understand, Callum. You don't have to apologize. It's alright. It's okay." She gently rubbed his arm as she spoke. So gentle... So comforting...

So loving.


He wanted to kiss her so bad right now.

Callum turned to Rayla, a small smile on his lips. "Okay. Whatever you say, I guess. Still, either way, I'm sorry. Whether you think I need to be or not." Rayla smiled. As much as she wanted to deny it, she did deserve an apology as much as...

As much as he did.

Rayla sighs. "I'm sorry, too. That night... Your fifteenth birthday... I was a coward. And that doesn't just come from a place of pride. If I had been brave enough to stay with you... or even just kiss you one last time... things could have been different. But... I didn't. And that was a mistake." Callum leaned his head on her shoulder and nuzzled her gently. "That's okay. Sure, I wouldn't have minded a goodbye kiss, but... I understand, Rayla. It's okay."

Rayla chuckled slightly, her hand coming up to gently pet his hair. He hummed appreciatively and nuzzled her again. Rayla smiled at his actions. Callum had to fight the urge to give her a quick peck on the cheek. Eventually, he thought, I suppose a peck couldn't hurt... He lifted his head and gently kissed her cheek.

Rayla turned bright red, figuratively and almost literally melting in his arms. She looked at him with wide eyes. "D-Did... Did you just-" He cut her off by capturing her lips in a gentle, loving kiss.

Rayla kissed back, her face flushing even more. Callum broke the kiss first, smiling from ear to ear. "I missed you," he whispered. Rayla smiled and whispered back, "I missed you too." Callum grinned and kissed her again. Rayla kissed back. Callum pulled away, but his nose was still touching hers. He smiled. "I..." Rayla eyed him curiously. "I love you, Rayla..." he whispered, his voice heavy with emotion.

Rayla smiled at him. "I love you too." Callum smiled and kissed her again. He had a strange urge to let his lips part just enough for... His face flushed deeply. Damn it, Callum, pull it together! He broke the kiss, smiling. Rayla smiled as well, her face flushed from the kiss. She looked... radiant. Callum smiled dreamily, obviously in a different place. Rayla chuckled and waved a hand in front of his face. "Callum? Sad prince? Mister Mage?" Callum startled slightly, his head returning to where he was. He blushes deeply. "Huh?"

Rayla chuckled. "Dork."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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