Stay With Me

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(Rayla has become one of the head crownguard of the kingdom of Katolis. Callum is the high mage, therefore, they're pretty far away from eachother while they're working. Callum doesn't like this. He wants to be as close to his Rayla as he can. Fluff and angst. Mainly angst. I also just wanted to put this image here. Word count: 1,074)

Rayla tiredly strolled down the hallways. The day was finally, finally, over. She heard a call from behind her. "Hey, Ray!" Callum shouted, hoping to get her attention. She turned around. Callum jogged over. He gave her a quick hug. "How was your day?" he asked. She shrugged. "Long, that's for sure." "Anything cool happen?" "Nope," she started. "Same old, same old." Callum nodded. "Well, maybe someday." Rayla chuckled. "Maybe."

As they rounded the corner, they were met by a rather young guard. He looked up from the floor. "Ah! High Mage! The king wants to speak with you." Callum looked at Rayla and shrugged. "Okay." He began his walk to the throne room as Rayla completed the journey to their room alone.

Rayla had almost fallen asleep when she heard a knock on the door. A shout could be heard. "Ray? Can I come in?" She sighed and sat up. "Yeah," she replied. Callum opened the door and strolled in. He set his sketchbook down. He took off his baggy jacket. Rayla scooched over to make room for Callum. He plopped down next to her. "What did Ez wanna talk about?" she whispered. Callum turned his head to face her. "Stuff. I dunno. He told me he was going to need help with some random magic things." Rayla nodded.  She laid down, yawning. Callum smiled and laid down next to her. Cuddling up close, he whispered, "Get some sleep, love." She smiled. "Okay."

Rayla forced her eyes open. She was slightly sore from training. She sat up and tried to stand, but someone grabbed her arm. She spun around. Callum pouted slightly. Rayla chuckled. "Alright. I can stay for a little while," she sighed, laying back down. The smile on Callum's face was all too clear. Rayla chuckled. "You big baby." Callum scooted closer. "You know you love it." Rayla hugged him tighter. "You bet I do."

Callum and Rayla were just laying there. She gave him a kiss on the cheek. Callum turned his face around and gave her a kiss. She smiled and melted into it. She loved this. She loved to just be here. With Callum.

When Rayla pulled away, they noticed the room had been filled with light from the hallway. Soren stood in the doorway. "Can you knock?!" Rayla shouted. "Mm. No. But you can get outta bed. The King's council is having a meeting in the throne room." Rayla groaned and waved him off.

As the door closed, Rayla leaned back. "Do we have to go?" she mumbled. Callum nodded. "Opeli will be mad if we don't." She grunted as she rolled out of bed. Callum peered over the edge and chuckled. She was lying down wrapped in blankets. "You alright?" he asked. "Juuust peachy," she groaned.

Callum and Rayla entered the throne room. Opeli, Soren, Corvus, and Barius were already seated. "High Mage, Rayla, welcome," Opeli said, bowing to the prince. During the meeting, Rayla seemed distracted and stressed. Callum gave her hand a concerned squeeze. He scooted closer to her and whispered, "You okay?" She smiled and let him know she was fine. "Okay," he whispered, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. Opeli cleared her throat, glaring at the two. 'Sorry,' Callum mouthed.

Rayla couldn't exactly make out what was going on. She was in a bit of a daze. She was tired, she was... scared. She had to know. She had to. Is he really dead? Could he have... Callum waved his hand in front of her face. "Ray?" She shook herself out of her thoughts. "Hmm? Yeah?" Callum smiled. "What do you think we should do about the heat wave?"

Rayla thought for a moment. She knew Callum had a whole library of spells. Maybe one could... "Uhh, maybe Callum has a spell? Or something?" Callum flipped through a large book. "Hmm. Maybe... A-hah! Stratum Caligo! A spell that..." Rayla spaced out again. She had pushed Viren off the tip-top of the Storm Spire. But he was powerful. He could've done anything. He could be... alive.

That was when she decided.

She had to go.


With tears in her eyes, Rayla set the letter on Callum's bedside table. It was tied beautifully with the ghost feather. "White lies are illusions you build with your words to protect the hearts of those you love. I'm sorry. You can't come with me." She set out to find the man who took everything from her. She had to see him dead. It felt as if a piece of her heart was missing. But it wasn't the one her parents took. She turned around one final time. "I hope I'll be back," she whispered.


Callum's eyes fluttered open. He looked around. Immediately, worry struck him. Where's Rayla?! He saw the letter. Reading it, tears filled his eyes. He couldn't let this happen. Still in his pajamas, he sped outside after her. "Rayla! Rayla! Rayla..." His shouts faded to a sobbing whisper. He almost gave up. Then he saw a figure in the trees. They seemed to be crying as well. And Callum would know that sob anywhere.

"Rayla!" he shouted. Shit, she thought. Callum ran up to her. He seemed angry, hurt, and... and scared. Rayla turned away. Callum grabbed her by her shoulders. The look in his eye spoke but one word. 'Why?'

Words didn't come from Rayla. Only dull sobs. "Rayla, what are you thinking?! Where are you going? There's no way he's alive, Rayla! He's dead! You just have to let yourself believe it. Please. Don't do this. Remember all we've been through? I said I love you, and this is what I get?! Please! Don't go. Stay with me." Rayla tried so hard to force herself to turn around and leave. But she couldn't. She broke. Her knees buckled and she fell to the ground. She didn't know what she was thinking. Callum knelt by her.

Rayla cried, letting her tears fall onto the dirt. Callum hugged her. He never wanted to let go. "Stay with me," he repeated. She nodded. "I'm sorry," she sobbed. Callum squeezed her tighter. "We can find him together. Just don't go." Rayla buried her face in her arms. "I just don't wanna lose you too," she mumbled. Callum let his tears roll down his cheeks. "I don't want to lose you either. I love you." Rayla sobbed quietly and responded, "I love you too."

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