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(The Dragang has stopped Claudia, Terry, and Sir Sparklepuff. Claudia and Terry are following them back to Katolis, where they'll be imprisoned. Callum and Rayla are growing closer every single day. Eventually, Rayla says she wants to talk to Callum. Fluff. FLUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- Word count: 817)

Callum's eyes fluttered open as he realized he was being shaken awake. He looked around. Terry was asleep, snoring quietly. Claudia was still tied up, glaring at Soren. Soren was trying to make conversation. Ezran was asleep next to the crownguard. Callum looked at the person who had shaken him. "Yeah?" he asked. Rayla sighed. "Can I... talk to you?" Callum blushed slightly. "Uhh... sure?"

Rayla led him off into the forest. As they walked a little farther, Callum grew paranoid. "Are you sure we can find our way back?" Rayla nodded. Callum sighed and stepped carefully around a puddle. He ran his hand across the cool white bark of a birch tree. Soon, they emerged from the forest. This worried Callum even more. But Rayla stopped and sat by the river's edge.

Callum sat next to her. "What is it you wanted to talk about?" he asked, ready for literally anything. Well, almost anything. All he hoped was that she wasn't planning on... on leaving. Again. Rayla turned to face him. "I've been thinking... I just want to know. What were you going to say? In the Great Bookery?" Callum flushed. "Uh, that's not... important, is it?" he squeaked. Rayla shrugged. "I guess not." Callum breathed a sigh of relief.

"I- Is that all you wanted to talk about?" Callum asked. Rayla sighed. "Maybe? I- I don't know." It was a few moments before she dared continue. "Why were you ignoring me? Pushing me away... that hurts, you know." Callum turned his head to face the flowing river. The water moved with such a vivacity. He breathed deeply. "I guess I was... hurt. I was... scared. Scared you might leave again. It didn't just hurt you, Rayla. I cried for..." He seemed to count in his head. "Like, three days! In a row!"

Rayla frowned. "I know you were hurt. I just didn't expect... I really don't know. I don't know why, or even how, I ever thought you'd forgive me." With that, she stood and strolled away. Callum stood to follow her, but dropped to his knees, tears welling up in his eyes. "Rayla, wait! Come... come back." His voice descended from hoarse shouts to faded whispers. But she never turned around.

Rayla walked through the forest. The wind stung at her tear-stained cheeks. She breathed shakily. How she yearned to be in his arms again. Just as she had all those years ago. Rayla pushed aside the branches of a crouching willow. As she emerged, Soren's attention snapped to his friend. "Rayla! There you are! Where's..." He paused and looked around. "Where's Callum?" he asked. Rayla sighed. "He's coming," she assured, and walked past him.

Soren reached his hand out to stop her, but soon, he clenched his fist and retracted his hand. He took a deep breath, and plopped down next to his sleeping sister. She snored, her white hair flowing in the wind. Soren smiled slightly. No matter the evil she had done, she was always beautiful in his eyes. He noticed the elf next to her had awoken, and was humming softly. Soon, he turned. "Hi. I'm Terry. I'd shake your hand, but..." He wriggled in the ropes that bound him. "Trees to meet you." Soren arched and eyebrow. "Uh, trees to meet you too?" he chuckled.

Callum soon emerged from the dense forest, stumbling. He turned and growled at the gnarled roots, which appeared to be mocking him. When he had had enough bickering with the creaking trees, he plopped down next to Soren. Callum looked up. "Hi. What's, uh, what's your name?" "Terry," the Earthblood elf responded. Callum nodded. "I'm Callum," he said. Terry scrutinized Callum's face. "You look kinda familiar. Oh! Wait! Let me guess. You're that one... the one guy! The... one we saw in Umber Tor!" Callum breathed deeply. "Yeah. That'd be me."

Terry smelled the still night air. He smiled. Callum saw that Terry seemed to make the most of every little thing, savor each moment. Live life at its fullest. Callum found it quite inspiring that even in his circumstances, he made sure not to miss a thing. Not a single fleeting moment of peace. He ground it inspiring that Terry could just be happy. It gave him the courage to stand and walk over to somebody. Somebody who hurt him. But to apologize.

Callum sat down next to Rayla. She glanced in his direction. He ran his shaky hand through his messy hair. "I- I'm sorry," he whispered. Rayla looked at him. "For what?" Callum wiped away a tear that had already wormed its way down his cheek. "For... everything. Pushing you away, not forgiving you sooner, making you cry. All of it." Rayla scooched closer to him. Callum didn't look up from the ground. Rayla rested her head on his shoulder. She felt him jump, then relax again. "Don't be sorry."

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