Here With You

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(Callum and Rayla are returning a newborn baby dragon to the Storm Spire. They come across a skywing elf named Naimi Selari Nykantia, or Nyx. Nyx offers to give them a ride. On this ride, Rayla seems tense. What happens when she can't hold back tears anymore? (Basically how I wish S3 E4 went.) ANGST. Word count: 718)

Callum was exhausted, but he couldn't sleep. He laid there, on the soft blanket, and just... thought. The night sky was so peaceful. So perfect. The stars were in perfect place. The moon was split so perfectly in half. Callum breathed deeply, closing his eyes as he inhaled. He gazed at the moon for a few minutes, thinking of his journey so far. He tried to recall what he had first thought of Rayla. He knew he had thought she was pretty. He had still liked Claudia more at the time, though.
Now he wasn't sure. He knew his feelings for Claudia had dropped, feelings for somebody else were rising, and everything faded from organized thoughts to strange what-ifs.

What if Claudia hadn't betrayed them? What if Ezran hadn't gone back to Katolis? What if he and Rayla- wait, what? Callum sat up, slightly alarmed by his own thoughts. What? I mean, she's great, but I never would have dared think of dating her. He noticed now that his palms were sweaty and clammy, his face felt warm, and his thoughts were racing. Just like when he was near Claudia. He looked around. Rayla was facing the other way, seemingly asleep. At least, that's what he thought. Until he heard sniffling.

Rayla? Callum arched an eyebrow. He realized he had never seen her cry before. He crawled over. "Rayla? You okay?" She sat up, tears streaming down her cheeks. Callum laid his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry," she muttered. Callum was taken aback. "Don't be."

Rayla wiped the tears from her face with trembling hands. Callum looked at her with unwavering concern. "Do you wanna... talk?" Rayla sighed shakily. "I- I don't know what to do anymore. I can't interrupt or delay our journey for... for this! Look at me!" She gestured to her face, the results of her sobbing still remaining dormant on her cheeks. Callum shook his head. "Oh, Rayla," he whispered. He wasn't entirely sure how to react here. Carefully, he moved his hand over hers. Even in this situation, his face flushed a light pink. But right now, he couldn't care less.

Callum could see Rayla tense in the dim light. She almost moved her hand away, but eventually decided she'd be okay to just sit there. With Callum. "Don't feel like you're delaying our journey. After all you've been through? This is... I'm actually surprised you held it together this long." She glared at him. "That's not what I meant. I mean... I would've broken down a long time ago," he explained. Rayla sighed. "Humans... humans can cry without fear that they're... weak. For us... it's just... different." Callum felt his eyes well up with tears now.

Rayla breathed in the sweet, cold night air. It felt so strange. She had been so upset not a moment ago, but Callum had talked to her. Somehow that helped? Humans are so weird. Callum wiped a single tear from his cheek with his gloved hand. As Rayla stared up at the moon, she wondered what Runaan would do if he could see this. He'd be having a real hissyfit. She could almost see him. Yelling at Callum. As if as a protest to the man that wasn't there, she slowly entwined her fingers with Callum's. He tensed as an involuntary jolt coursed through his bones.

Rayla looked at Callum. Callum looked back, his face the same color as his scarf. She leaned closer to him. Callum's heart pounded against his chest. Eventually, she just went for it. Rayla kissed him. Callum was startled at first, having never kissed a girl before. But when Rayla didn't pull away, he melted into the kiss. When it seemed some force pulled them apart, Callum seemed so dazed. Rayla chuckled at his stupid human face. His eyes were open wide, and he was looking this way and that, seemingly avoiding Rayla's gaze. She sighed and pulled him in again. She planted her lips on his. Callum might as well have fainted right then and there. But he didn't.

When Rayla pulled away, Callum could finally speak. "Well... uh... that's... that's not exactly what I was expecting." Rayla waited for him to continue. "But it's definitely not... not not what I wanted?" Rayla smiled. Well, it's a start.

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