Movie Night

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(Callum and Rayla have agreed to have a movie night. Of course, Callum was an idiot and chose the worst movie to watch with Rayla, 'The Meg'. (I barely know the story line, stick with me) Modern day AU. Fluff, but mostly angst.
Word count: 724)

Callum snuggled up on the couch, waiting for Rayla. "Ray? You almost done?" he shouted to the kitchen. "Yeah," he heard. Finally, she arrived with popcorn and a soda. She looked at the TV and glared at Callum. He chuckled. "Sorry, I can change that." "No," she said. "I'm going to... try to watch this," she sighed, laying down next to Callum. He wrapped his arms around her. "You don't have to, Ray," he whispered in her ear, nearly begging her not to torture herself. "No, I'm gonna try," she decided. It was a few moments before Callum responded, as if he were pondering if he should or not. "It’s your funeral," he mumbled, hugging her a little tighter as he hit play.

Even the first scene made Rayla tense a bit. It was the intro. Of course, underwater. The camera panned from the words 'The Meg' to a large ship. It said something about a mission at the bottom, but Callum was looking at Rayla, watching as her breathing quickened. Callum could hear a man's voice. "Look at the sonar. Let me know what you find." Rayla shuddered lightly. Another man spoke. "So far nothin' new, my friend. It just keeps gettin' worse!" Rayla turned her gaze toward her popcorn, seemingly avoiding the aquatic sight.

Callum leaned his head on her shoulder, wanting her to know he was there. Later, a man in a hazmat suit removed his mask to reveal a bald head with some growing stubble. "D'Angelo. Marks. Talk to me," he panted. "We've just moved to the sonar room," replied the other man. "Just nine rescues so far. It's a mess, man. This is the worst I've ever seen!"

A random sailor's voice could be heard. "Help! Help! Somebody help me! HELP! Who's there?!" The bald man approached the sailor. A sizeable gash had been cut into his right knee.  The bald man picked up the sailor. He reached out to his companion. "I've got one more survivor!" he shouted to the other rescuer. "Heading back to the rescue vehicle now." But, before he could, something jolted the ship. The impact caused the bald man to reach out for a bar to steady himself. He reached out again to the other rescuer. "Marks. D'Angelo! What the hell was that?"

Rayla had relaxed quite a bit since the setting had been drained of water. The movie was a good one. Little did she know, later, she might change her mind.

Rayla watched helplessly as the megalodon swam quickly toward the crowd of people. The Mandarin child screamed and called for his mother. The meg had almost reached them. Finally, a call diverted its attention. It sounded like whale song, but it wasn't. It was just a distraction. As the large shark bit down on the electronic device that was making the automated whale noises, Jonas and Suyin departed in the strange water vehicles Rayla hadn't even heard of before. First, the meg went after Suyin. After a few minutes of struggling, it changed its mind and ran for Jonas.

It chased the vehicle through the churning depths for a few minutes. "I can't hit it! It's too close to the ship!" he yelled. So, he turned his vehicle around and tried to bait the megalodon away from the ship. After a few moments of intense chasing, Jonas said, "Chew on this, you ugly bastard!" And shot the meg.

Rayla turned away. Callum paused the movie. "Rayla, we can change it," he suggested again. She was trembling a little and feeling quite nauseous. Finally, after almost an hour of forcing herself to stare at that screen, she agreed to change it. "Alright, what do you wanna watch?" Callun asked, his voice filled with happiness. To be completely honest, The Meg was kind of scaring him.

Callum joked about picking The Titanic, but they settled on The Dark Kingdom. (I haven't seen it so we just gonna skip this part)

Callum had been fixed on the screen for so long, he hadn't been focusing on Rayla. He turned toward her. There, with her head resting on the arm of the couch, Rayla had fallen asleep. Callum smiled. He took a folded blanket from beside the couch. He laid it over her. Callum snuggled up all close to her. Forgetting the movie, he whispered, "Goodnight, Ray."

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