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(So for everybody that hates season 4 for Rayllum reasons, I have imagined what season 6 may have in store for us. Callum is releasing Rayla's parents and Runaan. Uhm, I think Tiadrin is a Rayllum shipper- FLUFFFFFFFF. Word count: 833)

"Relesa Mora," uttered the mage, chrushing the Star Sapphire in his hand. Rayla watched with tears in her eyes as the coins sparkled and shone. Three sparkling forms took shape in front of them. Callum's eyes glowed with a blue radiance that he had experienced once before. He could not place it. But one name whispered in his mind: Aaravos.

Soon, the forms acquired facial features. Ethari wiped the river of tears that flew down his cheeks rapidly. The tallest form looked around, taking in its familiar surroundings. Soon, it threw its arms around Rayla. It quickly took the face of Runaan. Ethari joined the embrace. Runaan jolted and spun to face the man. His face softened. He ran and pulled him into a kiss. In this situation, Rayla didn't bother to pretend to gag. Cupping Ethari's face in his hands, Runaan whispered, "I told you I'd bring your heart back to you." Rayla stood on legs she barely trusted.

The two confused Dragonguards found their way to knowing where they were. They looked around in awe. Finally, they recognized their daughter. "Rayla?" whispered Lain, walking toward her. "Dad?" she asked. Calum watched in peaceful silence. He smiled as tears were shed, hugs were shared, and kisses were given. He side hugged an obviously crying Ezran. Finally, the crew of elves noticed the squadron of humans. Runaan bared his teeth, recognizing Soren.

Rayla waved her hand in front of his face. "No. No, no, no. No. These are my friends." Runaan scoffed. "Friends. Right. Because you're definitely friends with some teary-eyed boy." Rayla furrowed her brows. "That 'boy' is the King of Katolis!" Runaan glanced at the humans. Soren had stepped in front of Ezran and Callum had Fulminis ready. Seeing Rayla's genuinely serious expression, Runaan lowered his weapon. Begrudgingly, he bowed. "Can't believe this," he growled. Rayla smiled. Ethari bowed willingly, tears still flowing down his cheeks. Before Ezran could tell them they needn't bow, Lain and Tiadrin knelt. Ezran couldn't help but giggle. "You don't need to bow. I mean, I am just a teary-eyed boy." Runaan glowered at the sound of his own words.


Rayla couldn't sleep. Some overwhelming guilt had engulfed her. She struggled for an answer. Had she neglected to welcome her parents back? Or had she ignored Runaan? Maybe... that's right! She'd never said thank you. She sat up in the stillness of the bedroom they'd been lent. They cold stone floors were not the ideal place to sleep, but she was content. She squinted in the darkness. The loud snoring was obviously not the person she was looking for. The silence she knew wasn't him. He liked to mumble. "Tu... tu eres un pendejo!" Callum muttered from the far side of the room. He speaks... Know what? Not gonna ask.

Rayla stood and carefully stepped around the sleeping child. After she had stepped over him, she smiled at his freckled face. "Aww," she couldn't help but whisper. She tiptoed over the cold floor. "Callum," she whispered, shaking him. "Callum, wake up." Callum's eyes shot open. "Prima?!" he nearly shouted. "Shh! Shut up! Shush!" Callum shook his head. "Ai, ai, ai." Rayla chuckled. "Dude. English." Callum rubbed his eyes. "M-hm. Right. Ingles- English! English." Rayla stifled a laugh. Callum frowned. "What do you want?" he sighed in mock annoyance. Rayla smiled. "I never got to thank you." She threw her arms around him. Callum smiled and hugged her back. "That's alright. You haven't seen those three in... well, a long time. Especially not your parents."

Rayla felt tears well up in her eyes. Damn it. Callum hugged her a little tighter, knowing that at any moment, it could end. She could leave again. Callum breathed deeply and stopped his flow of thoughts, embracing every moment with his best friend. "Thank you," she whispered again, her voice quaking as if she was about to fall into the bottomless pit of sadness. Callum nuzzled his head into her shoulder. Rayla pulled her hand from the small of his back to go wipe the tears from her cheeks. She could feel Callum's steady breathing. She pulled away from him for a second. "What were you dreaming about?" she chuckled.

Callum shrugged. "Some Mexican drama I watched when I was, like, five." Rayla nodded. "Yeah. Yeah. No, I have no idea what that is." Callum laughed. Rayla leaned against his shoulder. Callum sat in the comfortable silence. So quiet, save for the snoring that came from the big doofus of a Crownguard. The darkness, the quiet, it was all so peaceful. Callum closed his eyes, taking in the deep calm. Before he knew it, he was asleep.


Tiadrin opened the door slowly. Rayla's eyes fluttered open. Realizing she was still snuggling with the human mage, she stared, embarrassed, at her mother. Tiadrin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and slowly walked out. Rayla mentally facepalmed. After that, it was quiet. Peace. Just her. Her and Callum.

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