Date Night

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(This takes place when Callum and Rayla are older. Say around... 22. They have a one year old daughter, Luna. [I will make a Wattpad story about her later.] They leave Luna with her uncle and go to Amaya’s new restaurant. Modern day AU. FLUFFFFF. Word count: 857)

"Okay. Bye, Ez! Take care of Luna!" Callum shouted into the house as they made their way toward the door. "I will!" they heard. "Alright, let's go." Rayla nodded. As they walked, Rayla pulled her hood over her head. The rain poured down onto the ground. She had never liked the rain. Or lakes. Or the sea. You know, I think she just didn't like water.

Callum looked over at Rayla. Her teal hoodie was soaked by the heavy rain. He took his denim jacket off and offered it to her. Of course, she refused. "No, take it," Callum insisted. Rayla sighed. "Alright." Reluctantly, she put on the thin jacket. He put his arm around her shoulder. As they approached the restaurant, Rayla took a deep breath. She had never admitted it, but Callum's aunt kind of scared her. She was... freakishly strong. She was scary.

"Alright. Ready?" Callum asked. Rayla nodded. "Yeah. Let's go," she mumbled. As they proceeded to the front counter, Rayla pulled her hood further over her head. Callum gasped. Rayla looked around a bit. Elves and humans sat about each and every table. Sunfire elves, Tidebound elves, and... Runaan? Ethari? Rayla's eyes brightened. Callum pulled her hood off. She glared at him. He chuckled.

"Prince Callum! Welcome! And you are..." Commander Gren pulled out a pen and paper. "Rayla," she said quietly. "Right. Rayla and Callum..." Gren muttered, scratching the names down. "Okay! Right this way," he said, leading them into the restaurant. He sat them down right next to Runaan and Ethari. The next table over. Rayla cleared her throat and excused herself. She stood by Runaan and Ethari's table for a little while. Until they noticed.

"Rayla?" Runaan asked, a little shocked. Ethari smiled. "Hi!" he almost shouted. Rayla received a chrushing hug from the both of them. Callum smiled at the tiny reunion. He felt a light tap on his shoulder. Startled, he spun around. There, stood Amaya. His aunt picked him up and hugged him so tight he couldn't breathe. Boy, that shouldn't be a familiar feeling, he thought. Janai stood behind her. She waved to the mage. Kazi stood behind Janai. It was kind of a line.

As she finally released Callum, Amaya signed, "Long time, no see." Callum smiled. "I've just been down the road. It's really not that far away," he chuckled, signing as he spoke. She laughed in a strange way. "It feels like it." Callum smiled. "Where's your brother?" "He's at home, taking care of Luna," he said. Amaya arched her brow. "Luna? Who's Luna?" Callum realized he hadn't told her. He looked back at Rayla, still chatting with her foster fathers. "M- my..." He hesitated. "Our daughter," he squeaked, barely managing to sign it.

Amaya nodded. "Cool." Callum breathed a sigh of relief. "So, how have you been?" he asked, still a little shaken. "Great! I do want to meet this 'Luna', though," she signed, a slightly threatening edge to her fast hands. "Yeah, of course. I'll, uhhh... I'll check with Rayla," he chuckled.  He turned around and sighed. Rayla was extremely protective over Luna. And Amaya? Well, she wasn't gonna back down. This'll be good. "Hey, sorry to interrupt. Amaya wants to meet Luna." Rayla glared at the chef behind her husband.

"Ray, c'mon. Amaya is, like," he counted the generations on his fingers. "Luna's great aunt." Rayla sighed. "Fine. We're free Friday," she sighed.

Finally, the waiter brought their food.  "Thank you, Kazi," Callum sighed, eyeing his food longingly. Rayla chuckled at him. As soon as Kazi turned the corner, Callum grabbed his fork. But, surprisingly, just waited. "So," he began. "how are you? You've been so quiet. You barley talk to me anymore." Rayla sighed. "Tired. Really tired. Luna keeps us up all night, being Ezran's personal bodyguard isn't easy. Then, as soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out." Callum nodded. "But I'll talk now. I have time. I want to talk to you, Callum. I do. I just haven't had the time."

Rayla put her hand on his. "So talk to me. Please," she begged. Callum smiled. "Alright," he sighed, feigning annoyance. Rayla laughed. "So... Luna's first word..." He glanced up from his meal. Rayla sighed. "I told you, "No swearing around the baby, Rayla." But did you listen? Nope!" She chuckled. "I said 'shit' ONE TIME! She managed to pick that up! I still don't understand," she laughed. A laugh turned into a chortle. Callum smiled. Finally, she was learning that she could be herself in public.

When she stopped laughing, Rayla sighed. She looked into Callum's forest green eyes. He smiled as he leaned in. Suddenly, a figure appeared beside them. Her piercing brown eyes boring into Callum's head. "Ahh! Hi! Aunt Amaya!" She clicked her tongue three times in a 'tsk tsk tsk' manner. She scribbled something down on a notepad and walked away.

Callum stared at his aunt until she rounded the corner. He finally looked back at Rayla. She chuckled. She leaned in and gave him an actual kiss. No longer focusing on their food. Their thoughts on eachother. Completely happy.

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