That Was Weird

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(SEASON 6 PREDICTIONNNNNN *DEFINITLY won't happen tho* Rayla and Callum are FINALLY dating again. Rayla gets a lil lonely at night...

Rayla's eyes fluttered open. It was late. She knew that much. She felt... lonely. She cursed her self for being an idiot and tried to fall back asleep. However, she could not. She didn't even know why she felt lonely! Or who could make her feel less lonely. Well, okay, that's a lie, she knew. But there was no way she was going to wreck a very precariously built relationship just to cuddle with the High Mage of Katolis. But, of course, she couldn't help herself. She was tired, okay? Give her a break.

Rayla stood, blinking away fatigue. She opened the door to his room. He snored peacefully on his bed, sprawled out across every inch of it. Rayla stared at him for a moment, knowing she couldn't squeeze in next to that. She stared for what felt like hours. Why does he have to be so fucking cute? Just then, he rolled over and left an open space next to him. Rayla wanted so badly just to flop next to him and never leave. But that would be weird... right?

Rayla soon just gave up. She walked over, very carefully laid down next to him, and sighed softly. That is so much better. Callum stirred softly. "Huh? Wha-" He looked at Rayla, blinked twice, then said, "Oh, hey." Rayla chuckled. "Sorry." Callum pulled her closer to him. "Mm. Don't be." Rayla smiled and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled at her. Rayla smiled back. Callum thought for a moment. An idea popped into his head. Rayla smirked. "Oh, great. The dumb idea face," she mumbled. Callum smirked at her, rolled his eyes, and whispered, "Manus, Pluma, Volantis."

Rayla looked at him, confused. Her confusion faded as she was engulfed in a feathery heap. She smiled. "Okay, maybe it's not such a dumb idea." Callum smiled. Rayla kissed him, smiling softly. Callum kissed back, giggling. Rayla pulled away and looked into his eyes. She frowned slightly. "Did I ever tell you I'm sorry?" Callum was taken by surprise, and a little disappointed, by the change of subject.

"Uh, y- well, no, but I'm pretty sure I got the message," he chuckled. Rayla smiled softly, a hint of guilt still plaguing her mind. Callum tilted her head up to look at him. He smiled at her and kissed her again, slightly more passionately. Rayla giggled softly and kissed him back. Callum breathed deeply, broke the kiss, and whispered, "I love you, Rayla." Rayla's breath caught in her throat. "I- I love you, too." She sniffled softly. Damn it. Callum pulled her closer, resting his forehead on hers. "Shhh, it's okay. It's alright." Rayla buried her face in his neck, sobbing softly. God fucking damn it! Callum hugged her tight, stroking her hair.

Rayla wiped her eyes with her palm, sniffling softly. Callum breathed deeply, silently encouraging her to breathe with him. "It's okay," he whispered in her ear. Her eat twitched and angled downward slightly. Callum stared in wonder. "Woah, have your ears always moved?" Rayla chuckled, still sniffling. "What?" Callum smiled. "Your ears. They move. Have they always done that?" Rayla smiled and nodded. "Always." "Huh. Does it mean something?" Rayla shrugged. "I dunno. What did they do?" "They angled down. Do you know what that means?" Rayla smiled, blushing slightly. "Yes." Callum scooted closer to her, looking at her expectantly. "Well, what does it mean?"

Rayla thought for a moment. "Usually that I'm comfortable, or relieved..." She looked at Callum. He seemed to be fixated on her ears. He nodded, smiling. Rayla smiled at him. "Whatcha thinkin' about?" Callum looked at her, still smirking softly. He chuckled. "I'm just... happy that you're... apparently comfortable?" Rayla smiled and scooted closer to him, nuzzling her head into his chest. Rayla moved her face away from his chest and looked at him. She cocked her head. He had a little bit of stubble growing at the end of his chin. Rayla giggled. Callum rubbed his chin, smiling. "Yes? No?" Rayla kissed him. Breaking the kiss, she whispered, "It's cute, I like it." Callum gazed at her happily. "Then it stays."

Rayla frowned. "But do you like it?" Callum nodded. "Yeah! But if you didn't, then it would've been gone." Rayla smiled at him. "You don't have to do that," she whispered. Callum shrugged. Rayla smiled and looked around the room. It was covered with drawings. Some she could tell were very recent. Like, that night recent. She smiled at a drawing of her. Callum blushed slightly. "Uh, d- don't mind those." Rayla smiled and nuzzled his head with hers. "They're beautiful." Callum smiled. "You're beautiful," he mumbled. Rayla looked at him, smiling. "Thank you. I think you're quite handsome, yourself." Callum smiled. "Aw, thanks." Rayla checked the large grandfather clock. It was past midnight.

"We should really get some sleep," she mumbled. Callum frowned. "Don't go." Rayla giggled. "I wasn't planning on it." Callum grinned and pulled her even closer to him. Rayla chuckled. "What is it with you, wings, and the words 'I love you'?" she asked. Callum smiled and kissed her on the cheek. "I don't know. They're soft, they create a nice atmosphere," he whispered jokingly. Rayla chuckled softly. Callum pulled her close. "Goodnight, Callum," she whispered. "Goodnight, Ray."


Soren burst into Callum's room. "Wake up, idiot-" He froze. Callum stared at him with his finger to his lips. Rayla snored peacefully next to him. Soren carefully stepped backwards out of his room. He shut the door. Okay... That was weird.

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