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"Good morrrnnniiii- Oh..." The girl speaks loudly as she exits her room, her energy levels unusually high as she has had a really good night sleep. Her shout is abruptly cut off however, as she realises Captain Rogers is not stationed outside her door as usual. No guard... I wonder if Clio's guards are still there? The girl thinks as she hastily makes her way down the corridor towards Clio's room.

As she reaches the door of her friend's room, she tiptoes lightly and peers through the small window in the middle of it. Noticing the girl is bound tightly to the bed, Luna frowns for a moment before a smirk overtakes her face. No guards. Her eyes briefly lock with the brunette girl's before she quickly runs towards the main operations sector of the district.

Trying her hardest to look inconspicuous as possible, the girl walks through the main doors of the operations sector with near perfect posture. If she wants to pull off her plan successfully, she needs to act as if she belongs there and not get caught in the process: if she can pull off her plan successfully, she is about to have the most fun she has had in months. She has previously heard Captain Rogers mention the security office to another guard, and she was willing to bet her life that that's where the key for Clio's restraints are kept.

As she approaches the main corridor of offices, she looks around making sure no one is around. Granted, this was much easier now that most of the higher ranking guards and security members had been sent with those that have gone to 2, but she doesn't want to take any risks as this will be her one and only chance to free Clio. When she is satisfied that the coast is clear, Luna quickly makes her way past all the office doors until she reaches one that has 'Security 1' written on it. Pushing the door open slowly, as so not to make any noise, the redhead slips into the room and quickly shuts it again behind her.

If I was a key, where would I be? Every spy novel I've ever read has always had the key in a drawer with a false bottom so I will start there.

She makes her way to the desk in the office and begins to rummage through the drawers, knocking at the bottom to see if they are hollow- spoiler alert, they are not. Frustrated, Luna slams the bottom drawer shut and stands up. She sighs before taking a look around the room again, her eyes finally falling on the painfully obvious key box on the wall.

Well, that would make more sense. She thinks as she steps to the wall and opens the box, coming face to face with many, many pairs of keys. Fuck me, it's going to take forever figuring out which ones the right one. Maybe I take them all? She reaches her hand up and picks up the first set of keys she touches. As she brings them closer to her, her face lights up as she sees Clio's name on the keychain. Luna can't help but giggle as she notices that the girl's name is written as 'Cleo' and not 'Clio', but quickly stuffs the key into her bra and runs in the direction of the residential wing.

Forgetting to check whether or not the guards are back, Luna barges through Clio's door with the biggest grin on her face.

"Fucking hell, Luna. Where's the fire?" The brunette looks at the girl with a baffled expression, confused by the girl's urgency.

"Wha- There's no fire?" Luna furrows her eyebrows and tilts her head to the side.

"Then why have you just burst the hinges off of my door?" Clio exaggerates her question to prove her point.

Shrugging, Luna smirks and begins to turn on her heel, "Fine, I'll just take the key to your restraints and leave."

"Bitch, I think the fuck not. If you actually have my key you better unlock me now."

Luna lets out a laugh and walks to the girl's bed, leaning over her to unlock her ankles before moving up and unbinding her hands, "There, you're free."

Accepting a Piece of Justice • Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now