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"Can you fucking believe them!" Clio shouts, infuriated by the treatment Katniss is getting following her 'gun shot injury'.

Luna can fully understand the girl's anger, Katniss was shot whilst wearing a bulletproof vest, and so, at most has some bruising, yet the medics here in 13 are acting as if she needs new organs. To Clio's credit, the medical personnel of the secret district have been running about like headless chickens since the Girl on Fire was brought back.

As if she has read Luna's mind, Clio looks her dead in the eye and says, "do you think she needs new organs? Because who are they going to sacrifice for that? Probably me since they all hate me here."

Luna cannot help but laugh at the girl's reaction to the situation, amused by the girl's anger and rambling. "Of course it would be me, wouldn't it? That's the only reason the higher ups haven't killed me yet, because if their Mockingjay needs a new kidney they'd cut it out of me in my sleep and make her body accept it somehow. I wouldn't even get a chance to protest."

As Clio continues with her hate filled rant about the Mockingjay, Luna notices a blonde haired figure approach the doorway. Cato? Luna is shocked to see the boy, having assumed he was killed in the Capitol.

"Hey Clio, can you-" Luna is cut off by Clio.

"Don't interrupt me whilst I'm ranting. Please Luna, unless you want me to take my anger out on you?" The younger girl asks, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"No, I'm serious Cli-" Once again, Luna is cut off by the younger girl.

"It's not fair! She doesn't even do anything and they treat her like someone they should worship, how is this-" This time, Luna cuts off Clio by grabbing her arms and turning her.

"I know you're deprived, but so am I, so either you kiss your boyfriend or I'll do it for you!" She sighs, exasperated by the fact she had to physically man handle the girl to get her attention.

"Cato," Clio breathes out with a sob, tears of happiness well in her eyes as she sees the man she loves, the man she's been worried about since the area blew out. The man she thought was dead. She runs to the boy, jumping, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Cato hugs the brunette back just as tightly, her tears soaking the fabric of his shirt and her sobs being muffled by his neck. "Oh my god- I- I thought you were dead- they told me you were dead." Clio rests her forehead on his as she speaks. Cato brings one of his hands up to her hair and begins stroking it gently.

"I'm so sorry." Cato's voice cracks. Luna has said it before, and she'll say it again, the love that the two District 2 victors have for one another is beautiful. It's so true, and pure, and witnessing it was something that never fails to make Luna's heart swell with happiness. Over the years, she has grown closer with the pair, separately, and seeing how comfortable and happy they are together is nothing short of precious. "I'm so so sorry, I thought you were dead, they told me you died when the arena was blown out." Cato explains.

"I thought the cannon was you. I thought you were gone, that I'd never see you again. What happened to you? What did they do to you?" Remembering seeing the state of Peeta and Johanna when they returned, Clio's voice begins to fill with panic as she talks. She removes one of her hands from behind his neck and traces a finger over his jawline and cheekbones, almost as if she was desperately trying to reassure herself that he is real, that he wasn't going to suddenly vanish, and that her mind wasn't lying to her.

"Shhh, angel, I'm here. They didn't do anything to me. I'm here and you're here and we're okay. Clio, were both alive and in District 13. That's pretty fucking incredible." Cato assures her with a smile, placing a kiss on top of her head and moving his hand that was stroking her hair to rubbing up and down her back.

Accepting a Piece of Justice • Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now