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Luna rolls onto her side as she begins to wake up. She lets out a soft groan and raises her hands, using the heels of them to rub her eyes softly. As she opens her eyes, her vision focuses on the digital clock that is atop of the nightstand. It reads 07:26 am.

"Finnick." She grumbles as she shakes the man in an effort to wake him too.

As the man begins to open his eyes, Luna pushes herself into a sitting position and winces at the aches that radiate up her thighs as a result of the night prior. "Fuck me."

"Pretty sure I did that last night, but I'm up for round two." Finnick sits up quickly, his signature smirk beaming and showing off his teeth.

"You're not funny, you moron." Luna rolls her eyes, shoving the man's shoulder gently with her left arm as her right keeps the duvet up to cover her chest.

"Speaking of, last night was..." the man trails off, waiting for the girl's reaction before he gets too excited.

"A mistake." Luna deadpans, looking at Finnick with a blank stare. As his face drops at her words, Luna begins to laugh and holds his hand. "I'm kidding. Calm down. It was nice. I've missed it."

"You're a bitch." The man lets out a sigh of relief. "I've missed it too. I guess now is a better time than ever to talk, seeing as this is the longest we've gone without screaming at one another."

"Wow, I wonder why that is." Luna giggles. "But you're right, we should talk. Clio has explained everything to me about the selling, but I just don't get why you didn't tell me."

"I asked- no I begged Snow to let me stop. He said that if I did back out, he'd use you to fill my space. I couldn't do that to you, so I had to carry on. I wouldn't let him make you a prostitute too, Luna."

Luna frowns, leaning closer to the man and placing her hand on his cheek. She looks into his eyes and responds, "You are not a prostitute, Finnick. You were exploited, there's a massive difference."

"I know you didn't sleep with any of those men, Luna. I know you didn't but I was projecting my issues and insecurities into you and I'm sorry."

"I did sleep with people though..." the redhead mumbles.

"Do you want to tell me who? You don't have to, but if you want to talk about it we can."

"I don't mind. Just please know that it was my choice; I wasn't put into your position. The night that Mags died I... I uh... I slept with Topaz. Straight after that I went out and got drunk to a point that I was a mess and went home with a couple from the Capitol."

"Okay." The man nods.

"Did you mean what you said? The day before the Quarter Quell, I mean." A part of Luna truly doesn't want to know the answer to this, but she also knows that if she doesn't find out they will never be fully okay again.

"No. Not a single word of what I said was true." Finnick wraps his arm around the girl's shoulders and pulls her into his side. "I was prepared to die in there, Luna. I was prepared to die, and in the moment I thought that if I told you I never loved you that you would move on with your life instead of mourning me. That maybe, just maybe, you could learn to be happy again."

Luna rests her head on Finnick's body and nods. Now that she has heard his side of the story, she gets it. "It hurt like fuck, but now I understand why you did it. I can't say I wouldn't have done the same if the roles were reversed." The girl pauses, taking a deep breath before asking her next question. "Why wasn't I informed about the rebellion?"

"Plutarch decided that, I had no say. None of us really had a say. Plutarch believed that you were mentally unstable to the point that, if there were rumours of a rebellion and you were captured, you would crack and tell Snow everything. I know that isn't true, I know you'd have rather died than risk any of our lives but our opinions weren't listened to on the subject. His mind was made up, and that was that."

Accepting a Piece of Justice • Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now