Ch 21: Burning

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A dull quarter flipped in the air. "Heads," said Rose. I caught the coin and turned it over. Tasha's lip quirked in a smile. "We'll be defense," said Dimitri. We all nodded and took our places across each other. Rose took her stance in front of Dimitri, and I assumed mine opposite my aunt. The student against the teacher. How poetic.

I moved first, approaching Tasha, but before I could even strike, Dimitri was in front of me. However, he didn't make contact. Before he could touch me, Rose had swooped between us and kicked the underside of his knee. He lost his balance for a moment, but before Rose could land another hit, a wave of orange flames swept across her face. Rose flinched backed yet she looked unharmed. I looked to Tasha, who had a slight smirk forming on her lips
"Nice one," nodded Rose. Still with my eyes on the pair in front of me I addressed the class, "Using your element as a distraction or a barrier is great way to assist your guardian but also maintaining a safe distance from the danger. The perfect strategy for beginners."

The fight continued with Rose, keeping her focus on Dimitri while I took on Tasha. We danced around each other, each pair matching the other move for move. Slowly, the exhaustion and frustration started showing through the cracks. My attention had been on Dimitri as I tried to block his attempt at stabbing me with the wooden stake. I caught his hand mid-stab and kicked him in the gut, causing him to fall back. I wasn't going to lie it felt good doing that. I could see his jaw clenching, and I couldn't hide the grin that tickled my lips. Before he could get up, Rose jumped down on Dimitri's chest, pinning him to the ground. She had the perfect opening to go in for the kill when again the room lit up with flames. This time, Rose didn't just flinch, however. She screamed bloody murder.


I felt a searing hot pain spread across the back of my neck and shoulders. I didn't know what was happening, just that it hurt so bad. I remembered being on top of Dimitri, then suddenly white hot pain. Everyone was around me, but before I knew it, I was off the ground and in someone's arms, and they were running. The discomfort of being carried and the pain of my skin pulling as I moved became too much for me because after that, everything was blank.

I woke up lying on my stomach in the nurses office. The shirt I wore earlier was gone and has since been replaced with a hospital gown. Something I had no memory of happening. I clumsily attempted to pick myself up from the bed, but that wasn't easy thanks to the uncomfortable position I had been sleeping in. I must have been loud because soon both the doctor and Christian came in. Christian immediately comes to help me up.

"Why am I here? What happened?"
"How's your back feeling?" asked the doctor instead. That's when I felt the bandage across the upper back and shoulders. My memories came flooding back. I looked to Christian. His face was blank, but his eyes were a sea of emotions.
"What happened?" I repeated to Christian directly.
He closed his eyes and sighed.
"There was an accident," replied the doctor gently.
"You were burned," said Christian. It felt like someone knocked the air out of me. Everything clicked. It felt like I was watching everything replay in slow motion. I was about to 'snap' Dimitri's neck when I saw Tasha come up from the corner of my eye to help Dimitri. That's when everything turned to white.
"Tasha tried to distract you while you fought Dimitri, but she lost control." His voice was emotionless. He could barely meet my eye as he spoke. "I got to Adrian before I did Lissa. She would have left you without a scratch, but you were in so much pain, and I didn't have time."
"Lord Ivashkov was able to heal the majority of your wounds but not all of them, hence the bandages. I'll explain how to dress and clean them in a moment," she directed that last bit to Christian. He just nodded.
"So, is there any pain or discomfort?" asked the doctor.
I tentatively roll my shoulders, and besides a little tenderness and discomfort from the bandage, I didn't feel much else. I shook my head.
The doctor decided I was fit to be discharged and left to get my prescription.
When we were alone, Christian finally looked at me.
He looked riddled with guilt and shame. "I am so sorry, Rose."
"Christian, this isn't your fault, plus I'm fine," I assured him. I reached behind me to move my braid to show him I was fine, but I didn't feel anything. My stomach had already started sinking as I ran my hand from the top of my head, all the down to the tip bottom of my neck where my braid abruptly ended. My once soft tresses were now singed and coarse.
"My hair?" I choked
"I'm sorry, Rose," he said quietly. That's when I cried. I sobbed like a baby while Christian comforted. I knew he felt bad, and I tried to hold back to ease his consciences, but I just couldn't. Call me vain but loved my hair. Yes, it would grow back, but I didn't care. I was angry and hurt.
Christian sat beside me gently, stroking my hand. I eventually composed myself enough to ask to go back to the dorm. While the nurse helped me change, I overheard Christian having a heated discussion with someone outside.
"I already told you no. When she's ready, I'll be sure to let you know, but for now, I'd appreciate it if you'd leave me and my guardian alone. She's been through enough."
The person didn't respond, but I heard footsteps. When I came I out, I saw the retreating shape of Dimitri leaving the nurses office.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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