Ch 1: Disappeared

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Today could possibly be the happiest day of my life. After months of denying ourselves the love we had for each other, Dimitri and I were finally going to find a way to be together. I knew it was wrong to feel this excited and happy, especially after the attack that happened only a few days ago. But thankfully not a lot of lives were lost and the rescue mission was a success.
A lot was due to Christian and I teaming up. We were responsible for most of the strigoi deaths. If it wasn't for him insisting on joining me, who know how many more lives would have been lost.

I headed down to the gym for my usual morning work out with Dimitri. I was kind of nervous for some reason. Maybe it's because today would be our first training session as an official couple. Just imagining his arms around me made me feel butterflies in my tummy. It took me back to the cabin. I never thought I could feel that much love for him. It was absolutely beautiful and amazing. He was amazing. I hope maybe we could go back to visit the little cabin soon, I thought as small smirk spread across my face.

When I got to the gym I found it empty. Strange, since Dimitri was usually here before me. I shrugged it off, thinking perhaps he was busy in a meeting with Alberta. Probably discussing new security measures for the school. I then noticed a neatly folded letter on the mat I usually did my warm-ups on. I opened it and my heart stopped.

Dear Roza

So much has happened these past few days. The attack on the school has made me realise that maybe it's for the best that I leave. We cannot keep living our lives trying to protect each other while our purpose is to protect the moroi. I saw you that day in the cave. You were so consumed in watching out for me that you almost lost your own life. I don't think I could live with myself knowing that our relationship could put you or Vasilissa in danger. I think it's best that you forget me and move on with your life.

I know you will be a great Guardian and I hope some day you will be able to forgive me.

Take care Rose. I wish you everything of the best.


It felt like someone had punched a hole in my chest. I couldn't breathe.
No, no. He couldn't have left. Not now. Not after everything that happened. "No, no, no!"
I ran out of the gym, holding the letter in a fist. I ran up to Guardian Petrov's office and banged on the door.
She came out looking ready for battle, scanning the room for the threat. When she noticed it was me she calmed down but I can see she was still tense.
"Rose, is everything alright?", she asked.

"Is it true?" I asked with a trembling voice. "Is he gone?"
Her eyes softened and her usual commanding voice became gentle, "Yes Rose. He left a few hours ago. He gave his notice last night."
Last night. That meant this wasn't a spur of the moment decision. He really was planning on leaving. Yet he didn't even have it in him to tell me in person.

I wanted nothing more than to scream and shout and cry, but I kept it together. I simply nodded and turned away from Alberta and to go back to my room. Before I could walk out though she spoke again.
"I'm so sorry Rose. I know how much he meant to you...I've known for a while." She pause for a moment. "Are you alright?"

"No," I said with my back still facing her but instead of walking away like I wanted to, I took a deep breath and turned to look at her. I fought against the urge to just snap and cry right then and there to the only true maternal figure I had in my life. Instead I smiled, "But I will be." With that promise to both Alberta and myself, left her office hugging my body as silent tears finally escaped my eyes.

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