Ch 14: Roles

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It felt like time froze. I never thought I'd see him again. I hoped never to see him again, yet here he was. Standing next to Tasha, staring straight at me. Time hadn't changed much about him. He looks just as handsome as he did six years ago. His hair was still the same, tied neatly at the back of his neck, the same strong jawline and soft lips that I once craved for. And his eyes, the same deep, dark brown eyes that I saw every day on my daughter's face, were exactly the same except something was different about them. I just couldn't quite put on my finger on it yet.

I felt Christian gently squeeze my hand, snapping me out of my trance.
Tasha came over and gave Christian a hug. I looked to Mia and Adrian to see what Sophie was doing. She was whispering something in Mia's ear and looking at Tasha.

"Christian, why haven't I heard from for so long? Have you forgotten about your aunt since graduating."
"I'm sorry, I've been very busy, and I guess I just forgot." He says. "But why haven't I heard from you? Has something been keeping you busy? Or perhaps someone," asked Christian, looking pointedly at Dimitri. Tasha blushes and holds Dimitri's hand. I look at him, and I can see he's uncomfortable. Good
"I guess I'm guilty, too. But at least we get a chance to spend time while we are here. I'm assuming you are here for the magic program?"
"Yes, we are," I say, and she looks over at me and smiles, pulling me into a hug as well.

"Rose, it's been so long. How've you been? Where's Lissa? I'm sure where you are. She isn't too far behind, " laughed Tasha.
"I'm alright, thank you. I actually have no idea where Lissa is. I just arrived now. Didn't you know I wasn't assigned to her?"

This surprised her. I guess she must have been living under a rock, not to know that I wasn't assigned to Lissa. Everyone knew that. It was the biggest news for a while. People couldn't believe that the Dragomir princess and her wild dhampire best friend didn't end up together. Not that they had a problem with it, oh no, they were a little too happy about that. They were just surprised we had willingly decided not to be paired together. I guess she didn't listen to gossip. I see this is also news to Dimitri. He tries to hide it with his well practiced guardian mask, but I've always been able to see through it. He could never hide his feelings from me.

"You're not her guardian? I thought you two were meant for each other, " she says.
Oh, Tasha, I think bitterly to myself. Many people are meant for each other. That doesn't mean they end up together. Instead, I just smiled politely.
"Things changed. We both chose different paths, but we're both happy with where we are. I'm glad that Eddie was assigned to her. There isn't anyone one else I would trust her with."

"So who did you end up guarding?" She asks curiously. For the love St. Vlad is it so hard to figure out? She was either really slow or just fucking ignorant.

"Actually I'm Rose's charge," said Christian rather quickly. Probably noticing the annoyance growing on my face.
She looks shocked for a moment but quickly recovers and smiles. "I would have never guessed you two would be paired together, not with how much you two argued." "Oh we still do," I say grinning at Christian which he responded with a playful nudge. I didn't miss the looked that passed  Dimitri's eyes even though it only lasted less than a second. Interesting.

"No that tickles," I hear Sophie cry by Mia. Tasha turns and looks at them.
"Oh and who is this little angel?" asked Tasha. I couldn't help but snort at that. My Sophie was anything but an angel. She did look like one, but we all knew better.
"This is Sofia" says Mia who was still carrying Sophie.

"She's so beautiful. I didnt know you had a daughter" says Tasha to Mia. Before Mia can respond Sophie spoke up.
"She's not my mom."
"Oh, I'm sorry. So, who is your mommy? "Tasha asked with a  smile.

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