Ch 10: An unexpected visitor

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I always preferred walking to driving whenever I went to the gym alone. It gave me time to think and reflect on my life. A lot had changed in the last six years. Before Sofia, my life had only one purpose- being a guardian. But ever since leaving court and having her, my life found new meaning. I never thought I would see the day I would be a mother yet it's weird to even think of life before she was born. I became such a mommy-ish person, I couldn't have a conversation without mentioning her or discussing kids in general.

This morning I had a moroi class. Here we focused mainly on physical training and fighting. The training program has been a huge success. We've even had Mia come through to help out with the moroi who specialise in water. Adrian visited a couple months back when we discovered another spirit user. When they met Sofia they both melted in her palm. It wasn't long until they figured out Christian wasn't her father but they kept that topic off the table whenever she was around. Adrian immediately made the connection as to who her real father was while Mia believed the story of Sophie being the product of a silly human fling. She was quite interested in my relationship with Christian though. She tried to fish if something was going on there but the truth was there was nothing. We co-parented Sophie and were partners at the gym but that's as far as it ever went. In fact we had an agreement that once a month one of us would go on a date while the other babysat Sofia. Truth be told nothing ever came from those dates. So much so, we made it a little game to see who would come home the latest. I lost to Christian on most days.
At first it was due to Dimitri but overtime it was because I just couldn't find any of the guys interesting. Perhaps if one guy does come along that I do fancy, it never lasts longer than 3 dates before he gets uncomfortable with the fact I have a child and I live with another man. That was always the deal breaker for most men. As for Christian I never really knew what went wrong on his dates. They just never worked out.

The truth was I couldn't focus on having a love life when my actual life was already full with my two babies at home. They kept me busy and they filled the hole that appeared after Dimitri left.

When I got to the studio I saw that the door open. That was strange since it was my turn to open. Maybe the cleaner came in and forgot to lock it. I walked into the gym area and set my stuff down to start my work out. The studio was split in half. One side the gym and the other side is what we like to call the target practise section. That was dedicated to the magic part. As I was getting started I heard someone come in. Probably my morning class. I ignored them since usually once you come in you start your own warm up exercise. Then I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and saw a dhampire around my age dressed in black and white Guardian uniform. He was tall with honey coloured hair.
Immediately my guard is up. Technically moroi using magic defensively was still considered illegal so I wasn't surprised they finally sent someone to come and investigate us.

"Guardian Hathaway. It is an honour meeting you. Your bravery and skill is heard of by many. It's incredible to finally meet you. I am Guardian James."

I was taken aback by this. Yes I was still a guardian but it's been a while since anyone has addressed me as such. But I wouldn't let that show.
"It seems my reputations proceeds me. But I don't think you've come all this way to simply say that. And judging by your red collar, you are part of the queen's guard which means you are here on official court business. I can't imagine it's for anything good."

"I'd rather not say anything until Lord Ozera arrives. I hear he will be here in about an hour. Any chance you could get him here sooner?" Panic settles in me as I pull out my phone. They clearly have been watching us. It unnerved me about how much they saw and how much they knew.
I dial the familiar number and wait. It rings twice before he picks up. I tell him to meet me at the gym alone. After that I call Jamie's mother, one of the ladies who joins my classes to pick up Sofia and take her back to her place. When I hang up I turn around and lead the guardian into the office.

Five minutes later Christian walks and freezes when he sees James. I guess I forgot to mention our little guest to him.
"Lord Ozera," he says extending a hand out to him which he accepts. "I'm Guardian James. I'm part of the royal guard. I've been sent to personally escort you both back to the moroi court."

"Why would they want us back?" asked Christian. He looked very sceptical about James's visit. I didn't blame him. I was on edge myself. Having the royal guardian here meant that there were probably others hiding around town. Having them so close to home where Sofia was made me very nervous.

"Because the vampire community needs your help. The number of strigoi attacks have increased exponentially over these past few years and the guardian numbers are dropping. We've heard word of your gym and the training you've been doing around here. The queen hopes you can come back and help us fight the war against the strigoi."
"So those royals are finally accepting that moroi use their magic to fight?" I asked. That was a shocker. I remember how hard Tasha fought so those thick headed and spoiled royals could see reason. I guess it took thousands of fucking dead bodies for them to finally open their eyes.

"It is only the beginning and the queen will be able to explain in detail what will happen once you return to court," he explains.
"How long would we have to be there? What about our business here?" I ask.
"We don't know how long that will be. As for your business that really isn't our concern," says the guardian bluntly.
Christian scoffs and folds his arms, "So you just show up here and expect us to just leave everything and go with you?"
"It wasn't really a choice Lord Ozera. The queen had requested you at court. I am simply here to make sure that happens. Even if it is by force."
Christian and I both look at each other. It's clear we had no other option.
"Fine. I guess we're going back to court" sighed the defeated dark haired moroi.
Just our fucking luck.

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