Ch 9: Family.

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Six years later.

I couldn't find any of my makeup this morning. I usually kept it on my dresser next to the mirror but it wasn't there anymore. I was already getting late for my morning class and this was just an unnecessary delay.
I went into the living room, navigating my way through toys, colouring pencils and blankets thrown all over the place. Seriously, I just packed those away. I looked around but my makeup bag was no where to be found. I marched into Christian's bedroom, my patience the width of a needle. " Have you seen my- HAHAHAHA!" I couldn't control myself. My previous irritation long forgotten as I looked down at the dark haired moroi sitting on the floor.
Who would have thought I would see the brooding and sarcastic Christian Ozera like this.
"Sophie sweetie, what are you doing?" I asked the little girl seated before him. She gives me the broadest smile as she shows me her masterpiece.
"What do you think mommy? Isn't he beautiful? "she asked presenting a very uncomfortable Christian painted in makeup and wearing a silver tiara.
I gave him a questioning look. He shrugged his shoulders, "she wanted to play princess," he responds like it's the most normal thing in the world.
I just shook my head. That little girl had him wrapped tightly around her tiny fingers but I couldn't blame him. She had me dancing to her tunes too.


I remembered the day she was born. I was being stubborn as ever refusing to stay at home because I wanted to go down to the gym. Christian and I were fighting when suddenly my water broke. I was two week early so we kinda just froze there, having no idea what to do. Eventually we snapped out of it and Christian quickly rushed me to the hospital. After four hours in labour I gave birth to the most beautiful little girl I had ever seen. The first thing I noticed was her hair. Those small strands were the same dark brown just like her father's. And when she opened her eyes, those were the same endless depths of chocolate I used to get lost it. When I looked at her my heart clenched. She was so perfect and beautiful. I never felt so much love my in heart before and it was all for her.

After that they let Christian in. Just like me, he instantly fell in love with her. "She's beautiful, Rose. Congratulations," he whispered. "Do you want to hold her?" I asked him. He nodded, too emotional for words. Ever so gently I placed the little angel in his arms. He looked like such a natural with her in his arms. He gazed down at the little girl, eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"Have you decided on a name?" he asked.
I nodded my head. "Meet Sofia Caroline Hathaway." I said gazing at my little angel.
"Hi Sofia. I'm your uncle Christian."


"He looks amazing but you need to get ready now so Bubby can drop you of at Jamie's house." I say to her.
"Okay fine I'll get ready. But why can't I just come with you and Bubby to work? It's so much more fun there."
"Because Jamie is really looking forward to spending time with you. I thought you liked playing with her," I say as I go up to Christian to wipe of all that lipstick and makeup off. I must say she did a really do job with him.

"She's boring. All she ever wants to do is watch TV. When I asked her if she wants to play outside she complains and says her dresses will get dirty."

"Who cares if it gets dirty," says Christian.

"That's what I said," sighed my daughter with an eye roll. Honestly her attitude could sometimes rival my own.

"What I want to know is why Jamie was crying the last time you left her house?" I ask giving her the look.
"Wellll...I may have called her some names," she says looking down at her shoes.
"Sofia what did you say to her?" I ask with my hand on my hip.
"I just called her stupid and said her dresses were ugly."
"That's my girl," said Christian as he high-fived her.
"Do not encourage this," I say sternly to Christian. Wow, look at me. Rose Hathaway saying no to bad behaviour. How times have changed.

"Sofia that was mean. You can't say stuff like that to people," I tell her.
"But it was true. That dress was ugly. Maybe some dirt would have made it look better" she says mirroring me with her hand on her hips as well.

"Oh what am I going to do with you? How do you expect to make friends if you say stuff like that?" I ask her.
"Do you really want her mingling with humans? They're so boring" says Christian but I ignore him.
"I already have friends. I have you and Bubby. I don't need anyone else" she tells me and I can't help pull her into a hug. "I know, baby but it's important to make friends. Can you at least try to get along with Jamie? She is such a sweet little girl."
She frowns at me but gives me a surrendering nod.

"I'll tell you what. You can spend the day with us at work. Bubby will bring you in later, alright. Give me a kiss goodbye." She gives me a tight hug and kiss on the cheek before I hand her over to Christian, her Bubby. She started calling him that when she was two. He felt uncle Christian was too long and Christian or Chris just didn't feel right. So one day when he was watching that show Cake Boss on tv she heard the guy's name and called out "Bubby" instead of Buddy. From that day that has been his name. He liked it because it was special to both him and her. He treated her like his own but knew that he couldn't take the role of dad in her life. So when she calls him Bubby it's the closest title he has with her. And he wears that name with pride.

"See you two later," I call over my shoulder.

And as I close the door I hear them both call out in unison 'bye-bye mommy.'

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