Ch 8: Plans

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We began unloading the car immediately. Two duffle bags of clothes, a backpack loaded with weapons (we figured since Rose was pregnant it would be useful to switch to a pistol for the time being) and, of course, a cooler box stuffed with blood bags. Yes, we like to travel light.
It was horrible drinking that cold, tasteless blood but it was easier than having a feeder on hand.

We received a few curious looks from the neighbours but nothing too suspicious. When we got back in Rose gently hopped herself up on the kitchen counter looking exhausted.
"You have no idea how tired I am," she said rolling her neck and arms.
"I'm sure you are after just having a two hour nap in the car and carrying that one tiny backpack, oh you poor thing," I said as I drop the two duffel bags and the cooler box on the floor. "It's nothing compared to having drive for six hours non-stop while listening to you complain."
"Don't lie Sparky, we did stop a couple of times."
"Yes, so that you could pee!"
She burst out in giggles at the look of annoyance written across my face.
"Why are you so moody and grumpy all the time?" she asked swinging her legs.
"Dealing with a pregnant Rose does that to a person," I replied deadpan.
She rolled her eyes as she hopped off, "I have been nothing but a delight this entire pregnancy. You should be grateful. Not all woman are this cool while pregnant," she said rubbing her large belly and smiling like the Cheshire Cat. I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing and after rolling her eyes at me she joined in.

"So why are we here exactly? Not that I don't love that we have our own place now, just curious about the thinking behind it," asked Rose once we relaxed.
"I've been thinking about finding a permanent place for a while but I hadn't decided where until Samantha gave me an idea."
"That moroi we trained a couple months back?"
"Yes, she gave me the idea to open a gym ourselves and have moroi come to us rather than we travelling all over the place. She suggested Jersey because of the high strigoi and moroi count. Tons of moroi live around here and most are too low class to have guardians which is perfect. For us at least," I explain.
"So you want to open a gym? Don't you think that's too risky? We will become high strigoi targets. Not forgetting that's it's illegal to perform offensive magic so we could get ourselves thrown in prison. Plus we're so close to court," she said while running her fingers through her dark locks.
"I know but we can keep it on the down low. This could be great. These moroi need protection and honestly if we are arrested then I'll deal with 'her majesty' by myself."
She is silent for a while and I could see the gears shifting in her brain.
"If we're doing this we need to make precaution because of the humans. You need to work on your compulsion so we can wipe some memories. We are also going to need some help along the way. We might have to contact few old friends," said Rose all business like. "Not forgetting we need to find out where we are going to open and how to spread the word."
"Don't worry about that. Everything was sorted before we got here. I'm renting a space at the local gym a few blocks away. As for advertising, I think the best is through word of mouth."
"You've thought of everything haven't you," said Rose with a smirk. "I'm impressed."
"I'm not completely hopeless, Rosie."
"I never said you were Sparky but if the shoe fits..."
I picked up a pillow and threw it at her which made both curse and laugh.
"You're not suppose to hit a pregnant woman," she shouts.
I flipped her the finger and she threw the pillow back at me.

We spent the rest of the afternoon setting up the house. I did most of the heavy lifting and I could see how much that frustrated Rose. She was so used to being the one to do the work, to be the strength and power but now being limited and fragile left her very confused and out of place. That night we went out to a nice vegan restaurant. Rose was very much against it but eating takeout for so long was seriously unheathy for her and the baby. I enjoyed it and even though she wouldn't admit it Rose liked it too.

When we got back we both went to our respective rooms for the night. While I was in bed( more like mattress on the floor) I heard frantic knocking on the door.
"Christian, are you awake?"
I sat up straight letting the blanket fall off exposing my bare chest.
"Come here quick!"
I scramble out of the sheets and ran to her. She immediately grabbed my hand and gently places it on her belly.
"What are you-"
I stood there for a moment and just when I'm about to turn and go back to bed I felt a sharp movement under my hand . I look up at her in wonder and excitement. Rose had the biggest smile on her face and I think mine matched hers as well.
"Oh my god," I whispered
"I know," she said in a hushed voice.
We stood there with my hand on her belly and her hands over mine. At that moment, in that tiny house, in the dark was one of the most perfect moments I had ever felt.

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