Ch 13: Old Faces

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I had just finished sorting out a few last-minute things around the house before tomorrow. The house was silent other than the soft hum that came from the TV. I peaked into the lounge and I found both Christian and Sophie were out cold on the couch after watching 'I Can Cook.' That was Sophie and Christian's favourite TV show to watch together. Usually after watching an episode, the two would try the recipes and more often than not they were pretty good. I especially enjoy being the judge of all of their creations but the clean up was a pain in the ass. Thankfully Sparky is always there to help out with things. Tonight however, the two were too tired to even move to their bedrooms.

The two looked picture perfect. Christian sat with his legs resting on the coffee table, his one hand tucked behind his head and his other arm wrapped around the little girl who had her head laying on his chest. Her mouth was slightly open letting a small trickle of drool to fall on Christian's white shirt. They both looked so peaceful that didn't want to disturb them but sooner or later they would need to go into their rooms before they ended up with a stiff neck. I walked over to Christian's side, smiling down at him before swiftly kicking his legs off the table.
"What the fu-"
"Shushh," I said quickly covering his mouth with my hand. I looked at Sofia to see if she was still asleep and sure enough, she was still sound asleep. I removed my hand away from his mouth but he held onto it, keeping me close.
"Was that really necessary?" he asked.
"Yes, I had to wake you up so you could go to you room," I replied with a sly smile. He gripped my hand a bit more tightly but not enough to hurt. He pulled me so close I could feel his warm breath.
"Next time," he whispered leaning into me "if you wake me up like that, I promise I'll set you on fire," he said as his fingers began to light up. I smiled and leaned in closer. "Oh yeah, just try it," and I knocked my forehead against his hard enough that he fell back.
"Damn Rose, what the hell was that?" he says massaging his head with the palm of his hand.
I shrugged my shoulders, "You shouldn't have threatened me. Besides you know if you sleep there your neck is going to be sore tomorrow."
"Honestly I'm living with a lunatic. And now thanks to you I don't need to worry about a stiff neck because you so kindly gave me a bumped forehead. Now please help me up," said the now moody Ozera. He steadily removed his arm from around Sophie who was, unsurprisingly, still sound asleep during all of that. She could sleep through a war and not know anything about it.
"I was just having some fun with you."
"Your idea of fun is violent," he said as he reached for my hand to lift him up.
"Says the man who just threatened to burn me alive" I mumbled pulling him up. He got up and turned to pick up Sophie but I stopped him. "You can go to bed. I'll carry her in."
"Are you sure? I don't mind." I nod yes and reach to pick my baby up. Once she is securely in my arms I turn to Christian. He bent down and kissed her forehead goodnight then he looked to me. It was an every night thing but tonight instead of going for my forehead, he kissed me on my cheek. It isn't a lingering kiss but it gave my stomach a jolt. I could feel his breath near my ear and it sent shivers through my body "Sweet dreams."
I couldn't speak. I merely nodded and went into my bedroom. I tucked Sophie in bed and went and sat at the edge of the bed. I felt lightheaded, my face was burning up and I couldn't get my heart to calm down.
I shook my head and closed my eyes, taking in deep, even breaths. I felt like a complete idiot right now. Here I was, getting butterflies for a harmless kiss instead of worrying about going back to that hell-hole my people called court. Tomorrow was a big day and I shouldn't be focusing on silly things. "Fuck it," I mumbled under my breath. "Just go to sleep Rose. You've got a big day ahead of you tomorrow."

The next day went by like a blur. One moment we were loading all our stuff in the car, the next we were driving through the grand gates of the moroi court in Pennsylvania. It was just as beautiful as I remembered but it didn't impress me anymore. Nothing about this place could ever impress me anymore. Guardian James dropped us off at reception where we were handed over to our 'tour guide'. She was a young moroi, who no doubt was an intern, excited to learn the ropes amongst all the royals. She had a kind smile which wasn't very common with the moroi, royal or not.
"Welcome Lord Ozera, it's an honour to have you here with us. And you too, guardian Hathaway. My name is Nina and I've been tasked to personally show you guys around court." She said brightly to the both of us before noticing Sophie who was excitedly scanning the halls. "And you must be Sofia. Are you excited to see the court?" She nodded vigorously, her dark brown curls bouncing as she did.
"Then let's get started," said Nina with a smile.

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